
Logitech Logitech G304 Gaming Mouse (Black)

(387 customer reviews)

£120.00 £78.00


Title Range Discount
Sale / Bulk discount 1 - 2 35%
Sale / Bulk discount 3 - 5 40%
Sale / Bulk discount 6 - 99 45%
SKU: ACE-52421 Category:


Next-generation HERO sensor delivers incredible performance and up to 10x the power efficiency over previous generations. HERO is an optical sensor capable of exceptional accuracy and responsiveness with 400 IPS precision and up to 12,000 DPI sensitivity.
Ultra-fast LIGHTSPEED Wireless technology gives you a lag-free gaming experience. G304 delivers incredible responsiveness and reliability with a super fast 1 ms report rate for competition-level performance.
Play at peak performance without worrying about running out of power. G304 boasts an incredible 250 hours of continuous gameplay at 1ms report rate in Performance mode on just one AA battery. G304 has a battery indicator light that flashes red at 15% battery remaining. Switch to Endurance mode via Logitech G HUB software and extend battery life up to 9 months on a single AA battery. Endurance mode reports at 8 ms.
G304 is designed to be lightweight for high maneuverability. Wireless does not have to mean heavy. G304 is a lightweight gaming mouse that comes in at only 99 grams thanks to efficient lightweight mechanical design and ultra-efficient battery usage.
The durable, compact design with built-in nano receiver storage makes G304 not just a great desktop mouse, but also a great laptop travel companion. Use it with a gaming desktop or throw it into a bag with a gaming laptop to play anywhere.

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387 reviews for Logitech Logitech G304 Gaming Mouse (Black)

  1. blank


    I was looking for a gaming mouse for a long time and this one finally has everything I was looking for wireless, gamingoriented, topnotch scroll wheel, long battery life, charged with cable, and great looks yet understated design. Its very light too, but feels extremely premium. The Logitech software has all kinds of features you should check out in in depth reviews. The only problem with this mouse is the price. I should point out there arent many buttons and using four buttons is not as comfortable in this mouse as using two, since the extra two go on the side where you hold the mouse. This is probably best suited to FPS games rather than MMO unless youre cool with fewer buttons.

  2. blank


    Could not be more happier with this choice. retired the G502 to the wife. cordless,fast and ripping it

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    Cons Winter charge when turned on

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    Its good

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    The Mouse performs perfectly, but the main thing I notice is how this mouse seems to float when you move it. Going back to another mouse seems so heavy now because of how smooth the movement is between the mouse and the pad. The only real downside here is the limited battery but you can switch from wireless to wired in a few seconds.

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    Brian J.

    If you are having trouble gripping the softtouch plastic on the mouse, applying a strip of glossy scotch tape to either side will help.

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    Robert T.

    Thanks to newegg and Fedex got mouse one day early awesome job folks.

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    Kurt K.

    Coming from a G602, I loved the way my hand fit on that mouse, however i was starting to notice some wireless issues at times and decided to see what the best of the best mouse was at this time. The G900 was it. It is a wonderful mouse, just for me it doesnt fit my hand correctly and Im used to the side buttons being a little further back. I loved the sensor in this mouse so much that I returned it and ate the restocking fee and went to best buy and picked up the G502, which uses the same sensor but is wired, and costs about 100 less. The G502 fits my hand like a dream and I get the same great sensor as in the G900. Logitech makes great mice. I was trying out the other Razer mice in the store and they fit and felt terrible, and the clicks were soooo long. Buy the G900 if it fits your hand nicely and your grip style and you can afford it, its a truly wonderful wireless mouse just not for me. I also highly recommend the G502 if you need something cheaper, same 3366 sensor, dont mind wires, and are right handed.

  9. blank


    This mouse is awesome, she is very light and the precision is awesome, i recommand this if you have the budget

  10. blank


    great connection great battery life nice design feel comfortable all the function that you need

  11. blank


    This was my first proper gaming mouse. At first I thought there would be no point in using a gaming mouse, but now that I have tried it I realise that it is so much easier to use and I cant stand to use my old mouse anymore

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    Seung Yeop

    I had really bad experience with wireless mouse. But, this mouse is just great. Software is great. I just like logitec products in general.

  13. blank


    Kann die Maus nur weiterempfehlen, sofern sie einem das Geld Wert ist. Bis vorhin war mein Liebling die Logitech G9, ein absolutes Traumstck. Kam dann aber doch etwas ins Alter und eine neue musste her.Mich hat vorallem der extrem kurze Inputlag bei drahtloser Nutzung absolut berzeugt seht euch Testberichte an, teils besser als wired Muse. Allerdings erwische ich mich selber immer fters dabei, die Maus einfach mit dem Kabel zu verwenden anstatt sie extra auszustecken.Von der Ergonomie und dem Design her ist es immer so eine Sache das muss wohl jeder fr sich selber entscheiden, ob diese passt. Manchmal passiert es, dass meine Finger beim Sliden auf der Matte in die Quere kommen, was mir bei der G9 eigentlich nie passiert ist. Allerdings hat sich das mit der Zeit sehr vermindert, man muss die Maus eben auch ein wenig anders halten.Vom Gewicht her ist sie ok, man merkt eben, dass sie wireless ist und daher einen Akku verbaut hat. Aber auch das Gewicht ist einfach eine Prferenz eines jeden Einzelnen.Verarbeitungsqualitt ist top, wieder einmal ein gutes Logitech Gert. Konnte keine Brauen oder Produktionsfehlermakel feststellen. Die Maus kommt sehr schn verpackt Packung wahrscheinlich mehr Wert als gewisse andere Muse und ist einfach zu installieren. Die zu verwendende LogitechSoftware ist ok, hat aber auch kleine Makel z.B. kommt diese immer noch nicht wirklich klar mit hiDPI Displays ich habe 4k, 28, was im Jahr 2016 eigentlich schon verwunderlich ist.Als Contra fllt mir eigentlich nur auf, dass die Maus, wenn der PC ausgeschaltet ist, sich irgendwie manchmal einfach aufweckt und dann das GLogo leuchtet wahrscheinlich, wenn der Tisch etwas wackelt oder sich die Maus pseudobewegt. Lustigerweise fllt sie dann nicht mehr in den Schlafmodus und leuchtet einfach weiter.berlegt es euch gut, denn billig ist sie nicht aber sollte die Wahl auf diese Maus fallen, macht ihr sicherlich nichts falsch.

  14. blank


    Wonderful mouse, great feel in hand and balanced really nicely for me.

  15. blank


    As always, Logitech releases a gaming peripheral and delivers an amazing product. Very hard to find a flaw with this mouse and is definitely worth the asking price. Was a very worthwhile upgrade from the G502 that I got a couple of years ago.

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    Vernie F.

    Its at a pretty premium price point, but I dont regret a penny of my purchase. The G9X was legendary, but this is a worthy successor.

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    Daniel S.

    Ive always been quite happy with Logitech in the past, and so far this hasnt been an exception. Ive had a single weird issue with this mouse where i have to click one of the buttons on the left to be able to click anything on the screen, but thats only happened once or twice when i was first building my new rig. Its been fantastic aside from that though.

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    Jose T.

    I came from a tt esports theron mouse and this I can say is a definite upgrade.

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    Pros Almost the perfect mouseGreat battery life and connectivity. Good software and hot swapping between wired and wireless. Works really well on most surfaces, can be tuned for extra precision too.

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    Matthew A.

    Im not knocking eggs for this, but I do wish they would make a right or left handed mouse rather than the ambidextrous design. I think I would like this even more with a proper right handed grip.

  21. blank


    Most normal logi shape IMO to date. No discomfort with palm grip. I did not like any previous shapes for years from them until now. Dont get me wrong its not the greatest ambi mouse but it doesnt feel as mechanical as it looks. I cant imagine going back to a wired mouse.

  22. blank


    Fantastic birthday present best ever

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    Abe T.

    I owned a lots of gaming mise over the years from major brands , most of them are from Logitech, it starts from the early Mx 300, to G9x,G500,g500s, to G502, G303,and others like deathadder Chroma, Rival, ect. I like this one the most. I have been playingCS, CSGo for long long time. this one have the best balance of shape, performance, weight and mouse clicks. You may need sometime at first if you are from something else than logitech, some may even hate the feel of it at first, but you will get used to it, i would say 2,3 weeks, and then you will love it. performance wise, i feel no difference between wired or wireless. hope this helps

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    Gary K.

    The charging issue is incredibly frustrating especially as it is a 150 WIRELESS mouse Granted it is fully usable wired and still works just as well it is just inconvenient to have a cord getting tangled up or dragging on the mouse. Plus Im one of those people who uses their computer to play games from the couch so this is extra inconvenient for me. Im REALLY hoping this issue is just a firmware or software issue that can be fixed with an update…

  25. blank


    the item arrived way before the day i expected it. due to the item being shipped over sea but it was a very good purchase, i been using it for a while now and it hasnt fail me

  26. blank


    After testing it for more a week, I can gladly say I dont regret the purchase.Its now my favorite mouse for work and play.

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    Easy to use, plug in and a breeze to set up. It just works.

  28. blank


    Best mouse Ive ever owned.

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    Christopher S

    FazitDie G900 Chaos Spektrum ist eine hochwertige Maus und bringt viele Spielereien mit.Fr den aktuellen Preis von 179 kann ich sie allerdings nur echten Liebhabern und Spielern mit dickem Geldbeutel empfehlen, welche gerne die Steuerung fr eine Vielzahl an Einsatzmglichkeiten anpassen wollen.Fr mich persnlich bietet die eingeschrnkte Ergonomie und mangelnde Erreichbarkeit der Zusatztasten schon zu viel Unannehmlichkeit fr diese Preisklasse im Vergleich zu meiner alten Logitech MX1100.DetailbewertungDie G900 Chaos Spectrum ist angenehm leicht und besticht durch ihre hohe Verarbeitung und die Vielzahl an Anpassungsmglichkeiten.Das Design ist modern edgy futuristisch gehalten was mir sehr gut gefllt. Sie liegt aber nicht so gut in der Hand, dafr ist sie fr Links und Rechtshnder gleich gut geeignet.Sie verwendet einen Nanoempfnger, welcher klassisch direkt am Laptop oder Rechner oder mit dem mitgelieferten Adapter direkt mit dem Stoff berzogenen DirektverbindungsLadekabel verbunden werden kann. Logitech selbst empfiehlt letzteres, da der Empfnger, wenn direkt am Rechner unter dem Schreibtisch bei mir zumindest ein einziges mal kurze Aussetzer hatte. Das sollte aber kein Problem sein, da das Kabel hochwertig aussieht, es ausreichend lang ist und man es eh braucht zum zwischen zeitlichen Laden oder zum Dauerbetrieb im kabelgebunden Modus.Es lassen sich Unterschiedliche Signalraten einstellen. Ich habe hierbei keinerlei Unterschied im Bezug auf die Latenzen feststellen knnen, weder Kabelgebunden noch Kabellos.Die vier optionalen Tasten knnen beliebig ber zuverlssige magnetische Verbindungen jederzeit entfernt oder hinzugefgt werden. Allerdings sind fr mich 2 dieser Tasten nicht bequem zu erreichen und die Software erkennt die ueren Vernderungen nicht automatisch.Das Softwarepaket ist wie gewohnt groartig und erlaubt die individuelle Zuweisung aller Tasten in mehreren Profilen. Die Erkennung von Spielen und das Abrufen spezieller spielspezifischer Funktionen gehren ebenso dazu wie das wechseln von Profilen und die Feinjustierung der DPI direkt an der Maus selbst, wenn gewnscht. Fr ambitionierte Spieler bietet es auch die Mglichkeit seine Mausnutzung zu benchmarken, um beispielsweise Heatmaps zu erzeugen um so evlt die Tastenzuweisung noch einmal zu optimieren. Als weniger effizient stellte sich fr mich das Oberflchen Tuning heraus, aber das mag auch an meinen Mauspads liegen.Wer es gerne wie ich bunt leuchtend mag kommt hier voll auf seine Kosten. Alle mglichen Farben lassen sich dauerhaft, im pulsierenden oder direkten Wechsel einstellen und mit entsprechender Logitech Peripherie synchronisieren. Es sieht schn aus allerdings bringt es neben dem Vorteil die Maus bei vlliger Dunkelheit zu finden nicht viel, da es bei Benutzung von der eigenen Hand verdeckt wird und im kabellosen Modus nach einiger Zeit um Energie zu sparen aus geht. Das Feature lsst sich auch komplett abschalten.

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    Wolfgang H

    In aller KrzeDie G900 Chaos Spectrum High Performance Gaming Maus von Logitech ist meine TopEmpfehlung fr alle Gamer, die sowohl gerne kabelgebunden aber auch mal lnger kabellos es wurde ein sehr guter Akku verbaut zocken. Sie ist sowohl fr Links als auch fr Rechtshnder geeignet, uerst przise und federleicht. Auch Gamer mit greren Hnden werden dauerhaft ihre Freude an diesem hochwertigen, kultig gestylten Stck Gaming Hardware von Logitech haben.Im DetailDie Logitech G900 Chaos Spectrum Gaming Maus ist eine Maus, die sich gezielt an Performance PCGamer richtet. Sie ist fr Rechts und Linkshnder geeignet, sehr leicht und kabelgebunden wie auch kabellos einsetzbar fr den kabellosen Einsatz ist ein sehr guter Akku verbaut ich habe es in nunmehr drei Wochen im Mischbetrieb nicht geschafft, ihn an seine Grenzen zur bringen. Ich habe die Maus bislang sowohl im Gamingeinsatz wie auch etwas artfremd im Bro verwendet und kann sie bedenkenlos empfehlen.Die Maus ist auch fr grere Hnde geeignet und hat schon aufgrund ihres Beleuchtungsschemas und des futuristischen, aber auch nicht zu dick auftragenden Stylings, einen fr Gamer wohl nicht unbedeutenden Coolnessfaktor.Ich konnte beim Spielen von Mass Effect oder auch im Broeinsatz jeweils ber zig Stunden hinweg keine Ermdungserscheinungen am Produkt oder auch meiner Userhand feststellen, Qualitt und Ergonomie sind daher als sehr gut zu bewerten. Ich fand die Mglichkeit, die Maus mal mit und mal ohne Kabel nutzen zu knnen, uerst praktisch, diese Option verleiht der Maus ein nicht zu unterschtzendes Alleinstellungsmerkmal.Sehr gut gefllt mir auch das frei drehende oder per Raste in Stufen drehende Mausrad, das bei Bedarf ein przises, atemberaubend schnelles Scrolling durch Mens oder auch durch lngere Excel, Word und PDFFiles etc. ermglicht.Die Maus ist, wie von Logitech gewohnt, einwandfrei verarbeitet und nicht zu sehr mit Makrotasten berladen die fr mich angenehme Zahl und Positionierung der Tasten knnt Ihr am besten auf den Produktfotos erkennen.Habe zuvor die Logitech G502 kabelgebunden und G602 kabellos im Einsatz gehabt und bin von der G900 quasi als Kombination der beiden in Form dieser federleichten, schnittigen High End Maus schlichtweg begeistert.Der Preis erscheint mir fr dieses Produkt absolut angemessen, wer die Investition ttigen will, kann daher bedenkenlos zuschlagen.

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    Tomas T

    Fazit Nach krzester Zeit mchte man die G900 nie wieder hergeben.Das sehr przise uns zuverlssige Arbeiten mit dieser Maus und der Gaming Software bringt einfach nur Spa. Jede Bewegung und jeder Klick sitzt und macht schnell schtig. Bei der G900 hat man stets das Gefhl, das man sich voll und ganz auf sie verlassen kann. Man merkt in allen Bereichen, dass Logitech diese Maus sehr durchdacht und auch gewollt so hochwertig konstruiert hat. Der Anschaffungspreis ist fr einen OttoNormalVerbraucher aber recht hoch, dennoch ist die G900 wirklich jeden Cent wert und man muss sie als Gamer undoder Qualittsliebhaber einfach haben.Der fest verbaute Akku allerdings geht gar nicht und dafr gibt es auch keine Entschuldigung, das kann sogar die Konkurrenz sehr viel besser. Durch wen und wie der Akku nach dem Verschlei dann gewechselt werden kann, wei ich leider nicht und das bereitet mir in Anbetracht des hohen Preises, der hohen Qualitt und der Leistungsfhigkeit der G900 echte Kopfschmerzen.Um jedoch das beste Ergebnis aus einer Sache herauszuholen, muss man oft bei einigen Punkten Abstriche machen und das sind meines Erachtens nach die Punkte, die ich unter Neutral und Kontra aufgelistet habe… bis auf den Akku eben Kleinigkeiten.Da mchte ich meine bisher gewohnten leider unprzisen und anflligen Muse alle samt auf Reisen schicken und zuknftig nur noch die G900 als verlsslichen und vertrauten Partner beim Spielen und Arbeiten nutzen. Pro Material, Oberflche und Verarbeitung Haptik, Gre und Gewicht Empfangsstabilitt des Empfngers Sehr przise, verlssige und ausfalllose Steuerung Sehr hochwertige und przise mechanische Tasten Scrollrad Rollfunktion ohne Raster Akku Laufzeit bei einer Ladung Zustzliche Softwareuntersttzung Neutral Scrollrad Druckpunkthrte und TastenRastergerusch Kontra Hoher Anschaffungspreis Fest verbauter Akku Fehlendes Zubehr in dieser Preisklasse Stabiles und schtzendes Reiseetui fr eine LANParty mit Grtelhalter fr Maus und Zubehr Fr die Akkuladung fehlende Dockingstation oder ein Gamer Mousepad mit Induktionsladung Akku aufladen ohne Kabelverbindung Software im Lieferumfang Meine Person Ich bin Rechtshnder mit einer Handflche von 20x10cm und einer Mittelfingerlnge von 9cm. Ich nutze die Maus mit Claw oder TipGrip und arbeite am PC neben dem Spielen auch mit OfficeAnwendungen, MP3Grafikbearbeitung und Videoschnitt. Meine PCAusstattung Ich habe einen GamerPC, eine Logitech G19 GamerTastatur, ein Razer eXact Mat Mousepad und bisher immer Razer Muse wie die DeathAdder Klassikblaugummiert3500dpi und zuletzt die DeathAdder Chroma grn10000dpi4G. Letztere empfand ich bisher in fast allen Eigenschaften und Situationen als unschlagbar, bis ich die Logitech G900 kennen lernte. Leider sind bei Razer Musen trotz sanfter Benutzung die Tasten immer sehr schnell defekt eine echte Razer Krankheit. Details und Fakten zur Logitech G900 Die Logitech G900 Maus kommt in einem schwarzen und edlen Karton daher, im inneren der Box sind die Hardware, die 2 Anleitungen und das Zubehr sehr organisiert untergebracht. Die symmetrische Maus hat eine sehr hochwertige Oberflche und ist tadellos verarbeitet. Selbst mein geschultes und penibles Auge konnte keine Mngel oder Mankos erkennen. Die Oberflche der Maus fhlt sich sehr gut an, ist nicht gummiert und dadurch auch langlebiger.Die Maus ist im Auslieferungszustand fr einen Rechtshnder Seitentasten konfiguriert, kann aber mit dem beiliegenden Zubehr schnell fr einen Linkshnder angepasst werden. Das sehr hochwertige und dicke USBAnschlusskabel, ist leicht beweglich und wirkt sich beim Spielen nicht negativ aus. Der sehr kleine Empfnger hat einen normalen USB Anschluss, kann dem Adapter entnommen und in jeden normalen USBPort am PC genutzt werden. Die kabellose Verbindung funktioniert auch bei einer Distanz von ber 6 Metern noch strungsfrei. Der Akku hlt mit einer Ladung lange durch und ist schnell wieder aufgeladen.Oft vergesse ich, das ich kabellos spiele und bemerke nicht den Unterschied oder Nachteil zu der kabelgebundenen Nutzung, sprich die bertragung ist genauso przise, stabil, direkt und genau. Damit der PC die Maus erkennt und die Maus genutzt werden kann, muss auf der Unterseite der Maus ein kleiner Schiebeschalter eingeschaltet werden. Der Schalter kann in dieser Position verbleiben, da die Maus bei Nichtnutzung automatisch in einen energiesparenden Standby Modus umschaltet.Die Form und Haptik der G900 ist fr meine Hand wie geschaffen. 6 Gleiter auf der Unterseite geben der G900 eine stabile Lage. Bremsen diese in der im Gegensatz zur Konkurrenz sehr przisen und ausfalllosen Steuerung mit perfekten 12000dpi optischer Sensor, welche punktgenau und flssig in jeder Situation funktioniert und eine sehr ruhige und zuverlssige Bewegung ermglichen nicht aus.Die Maus ist trotz des verbauten Akkus immer noch sehr leicht, so hat man einen sehr guten Gegenwiederstand, der die Hand aber trotzdem auf Dauer nicht berlastet. Ich konnte beim lngeren Spielen weder Ermdungs noch Druckpunkterscheinungen an meinen Hnden feststellen. Die Tasten an der Maus sind in Bezug auf das Tastengefhl, der Tastenlage und dem Tastendruckpunkt Klick qualitativ sehr hochwertig. Diese reagieren mit einer mir bis dato unbekannten 100 Genauigkeit und Przision, so dass das Bedienen der G900 unheimlich viel Spa bringt und schon nach krzester Zeit absolut schtig macht. Das Scrollrad ist sehr leicht und przise zu bedienen und mit einer genialen Raster Mode Taste oben auf der Maus versehen. Diese erlaubt das endlos Rollen ohne Rasterwiederstand und bringt unendlich viel Spa beim Spielen und Arbeiten. Einziger Wehrmutstropfen ist fr mich der harte Druckpunkt der ScrollradTaste, der harten Rasterwiederstand und das laute Gerusch. Der Druckpunkt ist in Bezug auf die Links und Rechtstaste des Scrollrad aber auch ntig um eine gezielte und przise Nutzung zu gewhrleisten.Die Maus kann ohne Zusatzsoftware im vollen Umfang genutzt werden. So kann man einfach und komfortabel die Auflsung des dpiRasters durch zwei gut positionierte Tasten oben auf der Maus ohne Verzgerung einstellen. Die vollstndige Konfiguration und gezielte Anpassung aller 11 Tasten und das Speichern von einzelnen Spielprofilen, kann man nur mit einer zustzlichen Software 32 oder 64Bit Logitech Gaming Software von der Logitech Internetseite durchfhren. Ich habe durch meine Logitech Tastatur diese Software schon lnger in Gebrauch und finde die Oberflche grafisch sehr ansprechend und bersichtlich. Das Speichern von Spielprofilen ist bei meinen alten wie auch aktuellen Spielen extrem gut und bietet sehr schnell den Zugriff auf vorher erfasste und gespeicherte Einstellungen, komplexe Tastenbelegungen und Makros Befehlsketten.

  32. blank


    The mouse works great and I have no issue with lag, response time or drop outs unlike regular wireless mice. You pay a premium for it, but its extremely well made and most importantly lives up to the promised wireless reception quality.

  33. blank


    The mouse has a great feel to it. It is very customizable with its included buttons. The software was great. Although the packaging was torm when it arrived the box of the mouse but the mouse itself was intact The battery life is really impressive. It stays true to its advertised 2532 hrs depends on your chosen lightings Overall a great mouse. It may come with a hefty price but it was worth every penny 1010

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    Waldemar H

    Da meine Bewertung etwas ausfhrlicher ausgefallen ist, nehme ich das Fazit vorwegDie Maus hat volle 5 Sterne sehr gut verdient, auch wenn der Preis recht hoch ist. Nach einem ausgiebigem Test in verschiedenen Einsatzbereichen vor allem Games, denn es handelt sich ja um eine GamingMaus empfehle ich diese Maus guten Gewissens allen passionierten Online Gamern. Bei der gewohnt guten Logitech Qualitt bin ich zuversichtlich, dass die Maus auch langlebig ist.VerarbeitungZunchst mal sieht die Maus sehr gut aus. Obwohl sie fast komplett aus Kunststoff besteht, fhlt sich die G900 hochwertig an. Der Kunststoff ist gummiert matt und dadurch rutschfest. Das Mausrad ist aus Metall und lsst sich glcklicherweise lose stellen, so dass es ohne Widerstnde durchdreht. Die Maus lsst sich ber das mitgelieferte Aufladekabel auch als kabelgebundene Variante bedienen. Ich bin allerdings kein Freund von Kabeln und habe es nur zum Aufladen drangelassen.Die RGB Beleuchtung ist aus meiner Sicht eher Spielerei, lsst sich aber mittels Logitech Software zugunsten lngerer Laufzeit des Akkus ausschalten. Dieser ist brigens fest verbaut.Ergonomie und HaptikIch hatte im Vorfeld etwas Sorge, dass die Maus zu Gro sein knnte da ich eher kleine Hnde habe. Diese Zweifel haben sich nach dem ersten drauflegen der Handflche zerstreut. Fr mich hat sie mit ca. 100g das optimale Gewicht. Hier knnten einige optionale Gewichte vermissen, wenn sie schwerere Muse gewohnt sind. Fr mich ist das Leichtgewicht eher ein Vorteil, da sie sich so auch nach Stunden komfortabel bedienen lsst. Sie gleitet dadurch federleicht ber mein NoName Mauspad.Die Maus ist symmetrisch und deshalb fr links und rechtshnder geeignet. Auch nach lngeren Spielsitzungen 68 Std. sind bei mir keine Ermdungserscheinungen aufgetreten.Bei gnstigen Musen hatte ich nach lngerem Spielen manchmal das Gefhl das der kleine Finger und der Ringfinger taub wurden oder das Handgelenk schmerzte. Das ist sicherlich nicht zuletzt der wirklich gut durchdachten Konstruktion dieser Maus zu verdanken Fr alle mglichen Nutzungsarten gibt es Griffflchen. Es ist also egal ob man beim zocken den Schwerpunkt auf der Handflche hat, und die Maus mit der Hand umschliet oder so wie ich in heiklen CSGefechten den Schwerpunkt auf die Fingerspitzen legt. Bei letzterem Griff machen sich die etwas erhhten Tasten positiv bemerkbar, welche die Finger angenehm aufliegen lassen. Das Feedback beim klicken ist berragend gerade im Vergleich zu gnstigeren Modellen.Leistung und ZuverlssigkeitDie Akkuleistung wird vom Hersteller mit 32 Sunden angegeben. Ich habe das anhand meiner tatschlichen Spielzeit im SteamProfil kontrolliert. Nach 32 Stunden bei ausgeschalteter Beleuchtung hat Sie weiterhin zuverlssig Ihren Dienst verrichtet, obwohl ich sie bei nichtbenutzung nicht ausgeschaltet habe. Sollte dennoch whrend einer Sitzung der Akku leer werden, ist das Ladekabel schnell angesteckt. Hier macht sich positiv bemerkbar das es sehr flexibel ist und beim Spielen kaum strt. Das vollstndige Aufladen des Akkus dauert ca. 120 Minuten.AlltagseinsatzIch habe das Mausrad lose gestellt, damit es sich im Browser besser scrollt.Ansonsten verrichtet die GamingMaus auch im Alltagsgebrauch zuverlssig ihren Dienst. Bei der Verwendung von Bildbearbeitungssoftware GIMP macht sich die erstaunliche przision bemerkbar.Gaming Einsatz OnlineGames CSGO, Battlefield 4, DOOM, The DivisionHier spielt die Maus erneut ihre grte Strke aus Die perfekte Przision. Gerade Counter Strike spielt sich im Vergleich zu gnstigeren Modellen butterweich. Ich hatte die Abtastrate noch von der Bildbearbeitungssoftware auf einer hheren Einstellung und nach habe es testweise dabei belassen. Nach einer Eingewhnungszeit von ca. 30 Minuten hatte ich vor allem bei CSGO mit der AWP gefhlt einen groen Vorteil gegenber anderen Spielern.In The Division haben sich zudem die vielen programmierbaren Tasten als sehr hilfreich erwiesen.Auch im schnellen Multiplayer von DOOM verrichtete die Maus ohne Kabel zuverlssig ihr Werk, so wie man es eigentlich von jeder Maus in diesem Preissegment erwartet. Przise und keine Latenzen bei der Signalbertragung TOP Rollenspiele Witcher 3, World of Warcraft, Diablo 3Die programmierbaren Tasten erfllen Ihren Zweck und sind sehr gut positioniert. Aufgrund der hohen DPI wandert die Maus nicht mehr so viel ber das Mauspad, was sich besonders bei Diablo 3 bemerkbar gemacht hat. Und auch hier haben sich die zahlreichen programmierbaren Tasten als sehr hilfreich erwiesen, da es deutlich mehr Aktionen zu verteilen gilt, als in Shootern. Es spielt sich meiner Ansicht nach deutlich angenehmer, wenn diese auf Maustasten verteilt sind und nicht auf der Tastatur.

  35. blank


    Lightweight with great features, a little overpriced but considering that I use this mouse on average about 4 6 hours a day it is still worth it.

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    Amaya S.

    If you are serious about competitive gaming, this is the mouse for you.

  37. blank


    ZusammenfassungDie Logitech G900 ist eine sehr zu empfehlende Gaming Maus. Sie ist sowohl fr Links als auch Rechtshnder sehr gut geeignet und je nach Vorliebe auch einzurichten, da die Programmierbaren Tasten an den Seiten abgenommen werden knnen. Die programmierbaren Tasten knnen also links fr Rechtshnder, rechts fr Linkshnder oder aber auch mit 2 weiteren Tasten an allen beiden Seiten angebracht werden. Der interne Akku hlt knapp 4 Tage bei intensiver Nutzung und 23 Stunden am Stck. Danach kann die Maus bequem mit Kabel weiterverwendet werden Spiele wie Battlefield oder The Division lieen sich mit der Maus wunderbar spielen und Verzgerungen waren keine Bemerkbar. Auch die Verpackung in der Produkt geliefert wird ist sehr robust und sieht sehr modern und klasse ausReviewEs handelt sich bei der G900 um eine neue Funkmaus aus dem Hause Logitech. Das Besondere an der Maus ist, dass diese sowohl einen internen Akku zur kabellosen Funknutzung verwendet werden kann, oder aber auch kabelgebunden genutzt werden kann, wenn der interne Akku einmal leer sein sollte, oder aber auch wenn man eine kabelgebundene Maus bevorzugtZur MausVom Design her ist die GamingMaus der GamingReihe von Logitech mehr als wrdig und ist sehr schn gebaut und verarbeitet worden. Klasse DesignDie Maus an sich ist sehr leicht, was mir jetzt nicht unbedingt so gut gefllt. Jedoch gewhnt man sich relativ schnell daran und ich habe mich im Gameplay relativ schnell umgewhnen knnen. Man kann auch leider keine Gewichte nachrsten wie bei der G502. Auerdem ist der Klicksound bei der G900 ich sag mal wesentlich Lauter als bei der G502, was beim Spielen durchaus etwas nerven kann, ich jedoch habe es kaum realisiert und konnte normal spielen.Die Maus besitzt 14 ber die Logitech Gaming Software anders Programmierbare Tasten an der linken und rechten Seite bzw. mssen diese an der rechten Seite mit den beiliegenden Tasten nachgerstet werden, zwei Tasten zur nderung der DPIEinstellungen und Tasten auf der Oberseite der Maus, eine Taste zum entriegeln des Scrollrades ScrollslideModus, ein Scrollrad und die beiden handelsblichen Maustasten fr Links und Rechtsklick und einem Ein und AusschaltSchieberegler an der Unterseite der Maus.Zur VerpackungDie Maus kommt in einer sehr schnen und edlen Lieferbox, welche auch ein richtiger Eyecatcher ist. Sowohl innen wie auch auen Schne schwarzblaue Verpackung die ein schneres Design verwendet als herkmmliche Muse oder Muse der alten Generationen der Logitech Gaming Muse Die Maus wird in der Packung beim Auspacken schn Prsentiert und ist ein richtiger Hingucker in Sachen Verpackung.Selbst das Kabel ist in der Box sehr schn verpackt worden und spart die Plastikverpackungsmaterialien Es wird auch eine kleine Box mitgeliefert in der sich 2 weitere programmierbare Seitentasten befinden, welche je nach Links oder Rechtshnder Ausrichtung getauscht oder nachgerstet werden knnen, um es sogar mit bis zu 4 programmierbaren Tasten verwenden zu knnen. Auerdem befindet sich ein USB to microUSB Adapter in der kleinen Box, auf dem sich der Funkempfnger zu kabellosen Nutzung befindet. Die auergewhnliche Form des microUSB Steckers macht ein einstecken in die Maus sehr schnell und komfortabelDas Kabel ist sehr schn mit Stoff umflochten, damit Knicke im Kabel vermindert werden knnen und das Kabel auch sehr flexibel wirdDie Maus wird bereits Teilaufgeladen geliefert, sodass die Maus direkt eingesteckt und benutzt werden kann PlugPlay.Zum GameplayDie Maus hngt dem Musen der GamingReihe von Logitech in nichts nach. Die Maus ist mithilfe der Logitech Gaming Software fast vollends konfigurierbar. ber die DPI Anzahl, ber die programmierbaren Tasten bis hin zu den Farben, die das Logitech GamingLogo tragenanzeigen soll. Auerdem kann man jederzeit den Akkustand der Maus ber die Software abrufen bzw. bekommt zumindest unter Win 10 eine Meldung sollte die Akkuleistung der Maus zuneige gehen.Im Spiel habe ich ein wunderbares Gameplay wahrgenommen. Die Przision in Battlefield 4 und Tom Clancys The Division war sehr gut und ich habe keinerlei Aussetzer oder hnliches wahrnehmen knnen. Die Maus hat bei jeder meiner Aktionen direkt reagiert, sodass ein Problemloses Gameplay mglich war. Sogar die Akkuleistung die diese Maus innehat, lsst ein stundenlanges bis tagelanges Gameplay zu.Auch die programmierbaren Tasten sind sehr gut positioniert. Sie lassen ein Einfaches Vor und Zurck im Browser zu oder aber es lassen sich auch ntzliche Shortcuts in Spielen auf die Tasten legen, um so ein noch schnelleres und flssigeres Gameplay auf die Beine zu stellen.

  38. blank

    Linda T

    Von einer hochpreisigen GamingMaus, die auerdem den Anspruch hat fr Profis die Beste zu sein, erwarte ich natrlich jede Menge. Die Chaos Spectrum hat es tatschlich geschafft, mich nicht nur zu berzeugen, sondern zu beeindrucken.Das fngt schon beim Lieferumfang an. Die Maus kommt mit einem austauschbaren Set daher, dass sie problemlos fr Linkshnder optimieren lsst. Auerdem ist da ein Kabel, mit dem ich sie aufladen, aber auch weiterhin bedienen kann. Hier bin ich bei vergleichbaren Modellen immer wahnsinnig geworden, weil die Kabel immer irgendwo hngen bleiben. Das ist hier nicht der Fall, denn das Kabel ist mehr oder weniger eine Art beschichtete Kordel und auch der schlaue Stecker hilft dabei, die schnellen Bewegungen zu erhalten.Beim Bedienen ohne Kabel, bin ich auf den Akku angewiesen. Der soll ein ganzes GamingWochenende bzw. 30 Stunden durchhalten und das tut er auch. Wenn die Maus an ist und nicht bewegt wird, hlt er logischer Weise lnger durch, genau so, wenn man sie nach dem Nutzen ausschaltet. Aber auch bei intensivem Zocken ist der Akku erstaunlich leistungsfhig.Zwei Dinge gibt es, die ich ganz besonders gut finde. Das ist zum einen das Mausrad. Es bietet dank seiner geriffelten Gummibeschichtung sehr guten Halt und lsst sich auerdem durch einen Knopf verstellen. So kann ich etwa extrem schnell und reibungslos quasi bis in die Unendlichkeit scrollen, oder so, dass sich das Rad in Etappen dreht.Das Zweite und mit Abstand Wichtigste, sind aber die DPI und die haben es echt faustdick hinter den Ohren. Die Reaktionsgeschwindigkeit der Maus ist so berragend, dass ich mich immer noch nicht so recht daran gewhnt habe. Je nach Einstellung, reicht ein minimalistischer Schubser und der Mauszeiger landet in der gegenberliegenden Ecke. Die Einstellungen sind dabei enorm, denn ich kann auf einer Skala von 200 bis 12.000 fnf verschiedene Voreinstellungen frei vergeben und dann spter unter diesen per Knopfdruck wechseln. Die Bewegungen sind dabei sehr flssig, es gibt kein Zappeln und kein grundloses Abhauen des Mauszeigers.Letztendlich macht die Maus natrlich auch optisch einiges her. Sie ist fr meine etwas gro geratenen Damenhnde sehr gut geeignet, drfte aber auch bei den Herren der Schpfung gut in der Hand liegen. Das pulsierende G lsst sich farblich und in der Intensitt frei kalibrieren, man muss es also nicht anhaben, da es ja Akku verbraucht, aber es macht halt viel her.Insgesamt bin ich sehr begeistert von der Chaos Spectrum. Sie wird mit ihrer Reaktionsgeschwindigkeit und den zahllosen Mglichkeiten zur individuellen Optimierung sehr wohl dem Anspruch gerecht, fr Profis aber auch fr Gelegenheitszocker das absolute Spitzenprodukt zu sein.

  39. blank


    Very satisfied with these rechargeable batteries. Did buy and use a couple of lower brand batteries and they cannot even compare to these ones. They hold the charge and provide declared power for much longer time this is only a subjective opinion, I havent done any objective measurements, but the difference is clearly obvious. Two thumbs up.

  40. blank


    I got this product and was high disappointing. Bright was light too. It eyes my hurts. Its pretty saucy if you ask me. The button too small it was. The mouse didnt plug in to the hole but i gave grandson and he like good. Good product good price is was grandson said. This is good.

  41. blank


    this mouse is too acryate and too light for a wireless mouse. i became too good at csgo so now i play mine sweeper. might go back to cs because i got a offer from c9 to play for them. all and all the m ouse was too good and would not recommend add me on steam n1tsuJ

  42. blank


    Its easy to see why this mouse is do highly rated. Im a finicky person, and love how this mouse performs. Its clearly built with excellence in mind.

  43. blank


    While the wireless charge time is slightly on the short side, its responsiveness makes up for it on all accounts. The neutral shape supports both palm and claw grip styles albeit with an odd design choice where the left and right mouse buttons dip back into the mouse resulting in your finger straddling the threshold the force to click is noticeably increased due to the altered click position based on the mouses mechanical button design, and its ability to swap out side buttons with covers with two shallowbutclicky DPI buttons that can be rebinded to something else with Logitechs software results in a surprisingly flexible, wellthoughtout mouse. It is ambidextrous in design, has two LED lighting zones though the G logo tends to be dimmer or visually flatter due to the material the LED has to shine through, and a hyperfast scrollwheel toggle button right where it should be instead of underneath the mouse ala the Logitech G9x. The optical sensor is the industryleading Pixart PMW3366 which works best on flat matte surfaces, and picks up all of your movements near 11 as far as I could tell, resulting even in gamers who otherwise thought they were fairly accurate to notice how inaccurate they truly were. The biggest flaw is perhaps in the design of the mechanicalmouse buttons where theyre left intentionally open, with noticeable gaps that could lead to debris getting caught within the mouses internals. Ive already lost a cat hair down there, never to see the light of day again unless I decide to pull it apart the steps would include ripping off the slippy feet to get at the screws arduous indeed. Its leaps and bounds ahead most other mice, but it falls just short of a full 100 rating but a 5 out of 5 will have to do. What Id personally really like to see is Logitech taking induction charging technology from mobile devices and implementing it into a future mouse and mousepad combo to completely eliminate cables to the mouse.

  44. blank


    Good software, nice clicking, lots a buttons. For me, personally, the side buttons arent in convenient places for fastpaced games, but for slower ones its fine.

  45. blank


    Lives up to reviews in terms of quality and build. Exceeds expectations for responsiveness. I am moderate gamer who plays 1st person shooters, moba, mmorpg who uses a claw grip and I am very pleased with the feel, design, responsiveness. Lighter than I expected for a cordless, Switching from corded to cordless is seemless and near instantaneous. Battery life is much better than I would have guess from a mouse of such light weight. I upgraded from a dying g500 mouse and the transition was very easy, and maintained many of the features I have grown accustomed to with that older generation mouse.

  46. blank

    Timothy T.

    Im extremely computer literate and I use computers for advanced text editing while computer programming. I also play PC games Ive never used a better mouse than this Its got widely shaped L and R buttons so you can do a proper 3 finger grip with L Mwheel R without bringing your fingers too close together. You also have buttons on both sides for thumb and pinky. When I twitch game, I use pinky and thumb for stabilizing control when moving the mouse most of the time. So its nice to still have the other 3 fingers comfortably on the L Mwheel R while having a strong grip. When it comes to advanced text editing the fast scroll wheel is something that I love on Logitech mice, and honestly dont want to lose if I dont have to. Its nice in web browsers as well DPI shift is also nice to have for accurate text selection. I actually use DPI shift more for work scenarios than I do while in games. Its interesting, because some games are starting to shift the sensitivity when you scope in for accurate aiming anyway and I dont know a good scenario in games where shifting sensitivity is useful beyond that All in all, this mouse is now my laptop and pc mouse and I suspect that even if something better shows up, it can only really top this by 5 or maybe offer a niche feature that is a must have for unique scenarios. Perhaps Niche MMO, MOBA, FPS, RTS, or alternative ergonomic shaped versions of this mouse is really all you can do to improve things When it comes to games it passes with flying colors in both CSGO Overwatch Beta. Ive used it with Microsoft Visual Studio and its very accurate for character text specific selection There are still PC games where a game pad is better such as 3rd person games like Dragons Dogma, Witcher 3 , Dark Souls 3, or Fighting Games. Xbox Elite Controller is killer for these games Honestly Top down RTSMOBA and FPS games are great with this mouse Otherwise gamepads for games like Witcher and Dark Souls. I did prefer mouse camera controls for Dragon Age 3, so ever so often mouse controls when implemented well should be better with this mouse

  47. blank

    Justin E.

    Ive always been a wired mouse guy, this has changed my perspective and i will never go back, Ive owned most of the g series mouses in the past and i dont think i could ever use a mouse again without the unlock scroll feature.

  48. blank


    Pros Accurate, beautiful design, highly customisable.Cons Light with no weights, lack of buttons.

  49. blank


    Pros A beautifully constructed, high quality, high end gaming mouse with true bespoke technological parts.The Logitech G900 Chaos Spectrum performs beautifully, having both accuracy and precision in spades. The G900 uses a Pixart PMW3366 optical sensor, regarded as the finest gaming sensor currently available, and this certainly shows in real world use.The real selling point of this mouse is that it performs as good as or better than wired mice, and beyond reading reviews or watching videos, my tests on playing Doom on a MSI GP62 6QF laptop Intel i7 quad core, 8GB DDR4 RAM, nVidia GTX960M and Razer Goliathus Speed mouse pad confirm this point I suffered no lag, no ghosting, or any issues. Just excellent tracking and fun gameplay sans wires.Then the mouse has amazing extras such as True ambidextrous design, modular side buttons either no buttons via blanking plates, or two buttons on either side of your choosing, or all four buttons on both sides of the mouse, Full RGB lighting on the logo and DPI indicators fully customisable, Nextgen left and right clicks using a unique pivot system, Braided charging cable, A USB extender if needed for moving the receiver away from your computer and near your mouse, Super light mouse at 107g, which is crazy for a wireless mouse. Logitech even went and spoked out the scroll wheel to reduce weight Hyperfast scroll wheel with a button to turn wheel into stepped operation super awesome, Feels good to use the mouse ergonomically.I am a super fan of this mouse, highly recommendedCons No hard case with the Logitech G900, which is odd considering price and that nearly ten years ago the old Logitech G7 came with a beautiful case.The braided cable has pincer like end to attach to the G900, but this means it cant be used on any other large device. The extra plastic pincer parts are for show and are unnecessary.Though the Logitech G900 does feel good to use, the Logitech G502 and Master MX v2 both feel better to use in the hand shape wise.Middle click on scroll wheel is a tad harder to activate high accutation.

  50. blank


    Pros The mouse is super accurate and super responsive. Every detail of the laser is changeable and the mouse it a perfect fit to my hands.Cons It a tiny bit overpriced to the competition, but that said still worth the money.

  51. blank


    Pros Best mouse ever and I have all the big brands.

  52. blank


    I had the G502 before this, the G700, and the G500. This mouse is ambidextrous and can switch between left and right hand users. I like the ability for configurationscustomizations, accuracy of the sensor, and feel of the mouse. The addition of wirelesswire back into it was also great. That was something I really liked about the G700 since it can adapt for many different uses. What I do miss with the G900 is being able to change the weight of the mouse. I dont game a lot but even for typical use I like being able to alter this just for my own comfort. Aside from that though I feel this mouse works really well. The buttons themselves offer a nice click so you know each time youre using it. I think moving the DPI shift buttons to the center was also a good move since I would confuse their location from time to time with the forward and back buttons on the G502. I feel that clicking right and left with the wheel button is smoother than before, takes less effort, and pressing the wheel button down seems good as well. Overall it works well for me but as with anything thats subjective to the user. Whether it fits to you or not, the mouse is good quality and will hopefully last me a long period of time.

  53. blank


    I grew up avoiding wireless mice for gaming due to response time and battery usage. With the advancements in tech these are no longer issues. The response time is perfect if its slower than wired then its not noticeable and it charges incredibly quickly even when youre still using it while charging. I dont often play at a desk so being wireless was a convenience I had to start to consider and Im glad I did.

  54. blank


    Hard to tell the difference between the G900 wireless and wired mode. Absolutely love the mouse, took me an hr or so to get use to the new grip, but I like how you can customise the button to fit either a lefty or righty. Battery life is excellent, I only have to charge it once a week. I just wished there was 1 more button on the side, but thats personal preference. I would definitely recommend the G900 to anyone that is able to afford it because it is fairly pricey

  55. blank


    Logitech G900 CHAOS SPECTRUM is WIREDWIRELESS GAMING MOUSE and top of the line when it comes to gaming and the first Wierless mouse with no latency att all. It is even better than some of the top Wired mouses out there.

  56. blank


    I was very disappointed with this mouse. Should have never been made ambidextrous.

  57. blank


    Pros Extremely fast and accurate mouse cannot tell its wireless. Should be excellent after a few days of use.Cons None so far

  58. blank


    Ive never used any Logitech game sets before, this is my first Logitech gaming mouse and it is fantastic. Ive never thought a wireless mouse could be smooth like that If you are still considering this one or a Razer one, dont hesitate anymore, get this one, you will never regret.

  59. blank

    Russell O.

    I have large hands and like gaming mice that you can claw and thought after taking it out of the box I would not like it, because it felt small and too close to the gaming pad I was using. I am right handed and noticed my palm was dragging a bit and messing up my shots in BF1. I changed my hand grip a little more forward and bingo I found the sweet spot. I did not realize how much I missed wireless gaming mice since the Logitech G7 days which I still own. Yes I tried Razor Mamba Chroma and I must say this mouse blows it away. If you have the money try it and you will never look back. Logitech hit a home run with this mouse even a picky knuckle dragging claw gripper like my self.

  60. blank

    Daniel T.

    I think this is a great wireless gaming mouse and would recommend it for anyone looking for one. Also the Logitech software seems easy to use as well. I have never had the battery die yet on me. The software says with the RGB lighting on static that it has a 22 hour charge. Pretty darn good if you ask me.

  61. blank


    Hardware and features, it does everything it promises No question The problems is that it is NOT comfortable It is an ambidextrous design equally uncomfortable for either hand The lack of a thumb groove is sorely missed. The low profile means you have to grip it claw style with just your pinky and thumb….your palm wont ever touch this mouse. Finally, while it can be equipped with 2 buttons on right 2 buttons on left, you can only ever use 1 set. IF you try to equip both sides with buttons, your grips pinky side will accidently click its side buttons. So thats 2 buttons that you cant ever use In the end, I give this mouse a 1 Why sacrifice comfort, when you can just buy a MUCH cheaper G500S or G502 mouse If you are left handed, your options are more limited this mouse is okay

  62. blank


    The mouse is the best one I ever used, although I dont prefer the design of high altitude of that mouse. Also the package is almost totally broken. There are numerous scratches on the foot pad

  63. blank


    Pros Exceptional performance and great design. Very versatile and high quality product.Cons Non aside from high cost point.

  64. blank

    Miguel V

    Pros No wireless lag whatsoever Light A proven flawless sensor Looks Cons Shape top of the mouse is flat might be uncomfortable for those that palm grip Very expensive, purchase when it goes on sale. A step in the right direction for wireless technology. Well done, logitech

  65. blank


    The title says it all. If you are serious about owning the best, the get this mouse and shut up. Girls will like you for it.

  66. blank


    This mouse performs as well or better than any wired mouse ive used. Absolutely top notch.

  67. blank


    Comparing it to the G700. The G900 is much lighter. Has a much better sensor. Has pretty lights. Due to its ambidextrous design, there are no ergonomics applied to either righthanded or lefthanded use. Its just a flat, small mouse. As such, it is not comfortable for long, allday periods of gamingbrowsing. It is only suitable for short periods of gaming, however. And unlike the G700 that has swappable batteries so you can stay wireless at all times, if you forget to plug in your G900, youre stuck being tied down to a wire until its fully charged again. Which defeats the purpose of it being wireless. Which also doesnt justify the higher cost of it being wireless compared to other Logitech mice in their lineup. The battery does last the advertised 32hours. But with battery degradation over time, and nonreplaceable batteries, the mouse will cease to be a decent wireless mouse in a few years. Bad design, not ergonomic, bad battery decision, high price for what you get. I dont recommend this mouse unless youre a very casual gamer that will only use it for short periods of gaming, and want it wired for the most part.

  68. blank


    Have used the following in the past, and many others Razer DeathAdder Steelseries Rival MS 3.0 Logitech G5G500 Can safely say that besides my all time favourite MS 3.0 mouse rose tinted anyone, the G900 is the most superior mouse in my opinion for comfort, performance and just overall everything. Never had an issue with the wireless function, and have never used it wired due to this. Responds quicker than my DeathAdder 3.5G and thanks to the Logitech software, can be customised a lot better. Being a long time counter striker 10 years, having a precise mouse is important, and this has never failed me where others have. If youre looking for a mouse, definitely look into this or whatever successor we may soon see coming. A would use for headshots again.

  69. blank


    Very good brand

  70. blank


    I loved the feeling and everything that has to do with this product except one thing. The guy i bought this from messed up the charging cable Maybe it was like that when he bought it so whenever it has to charge, it has to be in a spesific angle for it to do so. But i am however satisfied as hell by this gaming mouse It has a great feeling to it when i game

  71. blank

    Greg S.

    Havent played with all the settings yet, but was able to link my logitech keyboard with this mouse profile settings without issue. windows 10.

  72. blank


    Pros Design Features LogitechCons Its bit pricey but I have been using logitech since I rember and they never let me down so its worth every penny for me.

  73. blank


    Great for games, excellent value, easy set up and controls.

  74. blank


    Just perfect. Working fine 2.5m away from my HTPC.

  75. blank


    Pros none brill

  76. blank


    Pros Im not a gamer, I bought this mouse for use with other software, it can be set to do particular repetative tasks, that way instead of clicking on numerous buttons in a piece of software, you push one on the mouse.Cons The only negative is that I found personally, is that buttons cant be set for some key combinations

  77. blank

    samuel m.

    Aside of its inconvenient capacitor discharging issue, the MX 700s is a much better, useful, and inexpensive item. I have two and will use them rather than the Chaos inducing mouse.

  78. blank


    I hate to admit it, but the new old stock RAZOR G3.5 DeathAdder BLACK edition I bought for 30.00 replaced this 120.00 mouse. As good as many things are on the G900 it simply feels awkward in hand and all the time. Gaming with it was OK at best, but let me warn you…not everyone feels like I do on the feel. The G3.5 simply vanished in my hand…even with a few mushy buttons and the G900 does not. Whats good on the G900 For 1440 displays and even three displays the 12,000 DPI is a must. On a 1080P monitor it isnt at all, I use the G900 mouse set to 1500DPI with a 6 of 11 in the W10 mouse settings and no acceleration. More important is the 1000 Hz polling and 1ms response time both mice have. The G900 mouse never stutters or acts unresponsive. The sensor is definitely superior to the G3.5 when you get off the mouse pad. It is virtually the same mouse where the G3.5 simply turns turtle on you. So if you are a big arm movement gamer, and may slip off the mouse pad, the G900 mouse wont get you killed unless you were going to die anyway. Inferior sensors may freeze you up or act wonky. The G900 seems impervious to slipups off the mouse pad. I used it on a bare fake wood grain desk and it could care less. I cant say the difference in acceleration RAZOR G3.5 60120 inches per second and 15G verses the G900s 300 IPS and 40G was ever noticed. The weight of the G900 mouse seems counter to FAST arms swipes, though. I have BOTH mice going at the same time and switch back and fourth but I cant tell the IPS response between the two at all on my 1080P monitor. Youll need way more than 1080P before the specs catchup to the hardware. Im not a big mouse movement gamer, but get along fine on a medium sized mouse pad. If you are a 800 DPI gamer, the high IPS rating may be useful to you with 1440 or higher monitors. The Logitech Software is easy to use to get the most out of the mouse and the DPI setting buttons on the mouse are super handy where they are located. But, once I settled in I never went away from the 1500 DPI. If you do change DPI the G900 mouse is really nice. All the lights can be adjusted to suit. Physical configuration is nice, as it is a lefty or righty mouse. It will be as good for either handedness as it is symmetrical. I dont think anyone will complain about the basic quality of construction of the shape, It gets there in Mercedes fashion. The cord is strain relief at the mouse is a nice example of the details in the construction Logitech wanted to reach. But in the end, my HAND likes the new old stock G3.5 RAZOR DeathAdder BLACK edition mouse much better and even with the inconsistent button feel. They all work fine, but they just dont have that, thought of everything, consistency of the G900. No, the G3.5 DeathAdder isnt as technically as wide a monitor resolution mouse with 3500 DPI. 1080P is the G3.5 Death Adders domain, but it goes away in my hand when I use it. The G900 never does. Funny, many older Logitech mice were superb feeling. The G900 wins on paper, not in your hand. Until I have to have a higher DPI count the cheap 30.00 mouse I bought as a spare fivebutton mouse is my favorite mouse. The lesson paid for, I bought both mice, is dont overspend your monitors performance and feel wins out in the end if you have enough DPI, polling rates and Gforce for how you game. I give this mouse a four of five because the shape will NOT bother so many, and everything else is excellent for highresolution gaming. The G900 is a WAY out there in performance three monitor mouse in search of the right, or left, hand that agrees with it.

  79. blank


    Pros The mouse works smoothly and isnt slow or unresponsive. the design is very good and is good value for money.

  80. blank


    Best mouse Ive ever had

  81. blank


    Really a joy

  82. blank


    This is a must get mouse for FPS gaming. One of the best purchase I have made. It is a little pricey, which I think should change in the future. But it is worth it

  83. blank


    Pros Super amazing performance. Wireless option let you use mouse on next level. Battery with RGB holds 3 days. Amazing button customization, ambidextrious. Super light.Cons Scroll button sound. Material used are only 9 of 10 must find any con, because only real negative side for this mouse will be price, nothing more

  84. blank


    Just received the mouse today. Its awesome, comfortable, and well weighted. It has a nice matt feel and well worth the money. Im glad I shopped around and got it for 175. Some retailers I went into sold it for 250. I tuned it on my white gloss desk and it actually works unlike my old mouse, although it does still skip and jump a little. Custom dpi function is great I can set it perfectly to the speed I want. Update.. after some more use I found I had the same problem as countless others, right click is faulty. It works clicking in the center but not along the edge .. see how I do with the replacement wont be till the new year. will update then. UPDATE. all is good with the replacement

  85. blank

    Justin C.

    If you are on the fence, it is worth it. Highly recommend it, always dealt with cable drag in the past and finally decided to go the wireless route when this thing came out. I have never looked back since

  86. blank


    Worth it

  87. blank


    This mouse is so responsive it beats actual wired mice, which is insane. Trust me it is the best wireless mouse known to man.

  88. blank


    Really enjoying the new mouse. Perfect tracking, long battery life for an internal battery, and fast recharge time.The mouse is light. The micro USB cable has two horns on the end that more firmly attach it to the mouse than a standard cable would. I havent played much with the interchangeable buttons, but its nice to know theyre there if I ever need more buttons.The Logitech gaming software is very useful for this mouse. You can change the preset DPI settings from anywhere as low as 400 all the way up to 10,000. The mouse has buttons in the top middle that let you quickly change between presets. The software also allows you to control the LED color settings. It can change between solid colors or multicolor effects.The only thing that is a downside for me is that the mouse shape is slightly uncomfortable. Im accustomed to using smaller mice or mice that are shaped explicitly for righthanded people. This is NOT a failure of the mouse though. This is just a personal preference issue for me.

  89. blank


    Pros Best mouse Ive ever hadCons None

  90. blank


    This is the best and 1st gaming mouse I have in my life.It has software to download to setup the lights control, speed level and more detailed setup. available for both Mac and Win.I like the lights that cycling automatically with different color.There are 5 levels of speed you can adjust and you can setup each level with different exact dpi on the software you downloaded on PC.Also, it has few profiles to store your personal setup in the PC software you downloaded It measn that you can have different groups of setups as u like or different users can use the same mouse without worrying about adjusting all the detailed setups everytime.

  91. blank

    david s.

    While this is undeniably a great mouse I would only recommend it at the 149 price point if you really need a wireless mouse or just have money to blow on a cool toy.

  92. blank


    Great value.

  93. blank


    Pros Grate mouse, responsive and good software as well.Cons Is a little expensive but it is worth the money.

  94. blank


    Excellent mouse, havent used many of the features, the software is good when you eventually find the right version, I couldnt download it from the Logitech website. So I ended up searching on google and downloaded it from somewhere else, but the mouse itself works great, no complaints, the only negative is the price..

  95. blank


    Pros Better than razer mamba chroma Move soft Awesome Good work on battery Very good materialsCons Dont find yet

  96. blank


    The mouse feels and acts smooth, the buttons really feel different as on other gaming mice where u actually bend plastic to click. The SW is easy on the eyes and brains which makes it so much more enjoyable. I would normally finish after this word count, but I do have to point out that the sensor is really precise.

  97. blank


    Pros Was very easy to setup. First proper gaming mouse I have had. I have always used wireless mouses hence why I bought this one. Works beautifully and is a very capable piece of kitCons Well if there is anything that bugs me is that its going to be a pain to clean if it gets dusty haha

  98. blank


    Pros it has an intelligent elegance and design without the need to shout about it through some gawdy overstatementCons no

  99. blank


    the quality is amazing love the mouse. it came sealed.

  100. blank


    It is very uncomfortable for me to use after only an hour my right hand starts to ach really badly. Its funny bc i have heard nothing but great things so gave it a shot . i did add some paddding to the right side of the palm bc it hurts realy bad to play with long

  101. blank


    Easily one of the most responsive and accurate mice I have ever used. Its comfortable and has a long battery life, especially if you turn off the fancy RGB. Definitely worth buying, if you want a gaming mouse thats wireless without sacrificing performance.

  102. blank


    While the technical specs. have be impressive, the ergonomics of this device is bottom of the barrel. Caveat emptor if you have larger hands.

  103. blank

    Dennis C

    Die G900 sollte meine in die Jahre gekommene G502 ersetzen.Solide Verarbeitung, nicht knarzt oder lsst sich eindrcken. Smtliche Teile sind aus verschiedenen Plastikverbundstoffen und fhlen sich sehr hochwertig an. Der Mausrcken und die Seiten sind mit etwas gummierten Plastik versehen, was die Rutschfestigkeit erhht. Die vorderen Seiten sind glattes Plastik, kommt man aber im Normalfall nicht mit mit in Berhrung. Lediglich die Maustasten haben etwas Spiel nach links und rechts, was allerdings Bauart bedingt ist und nicht weiter strt. Die Klicks der Seiten und Haupttasten sind przise und haben ein sehr gutes Feedback. Das Mausrad lsst sich freilaufend und fest einstellen. Der Knopf zum Switchen ist dafr direkt dahinter und leicht zu erreichen. Die auswechselbaren Seitenteile, zum ersetzen der seitlichen Maustasten, fhlen sich ebenfalls hochwertig an. Man merkt gar nicht, dass diese auswechselbar sind.Obwohl die Maus fr Links und Rechtshnder geeignet ist, schmiegt sie sich an meine Hand sehr gut an. Die seitlichen Maustasten lassen sich mit meiner Handhaltung Fingertip sehr gut erreichen, ohne dabei die Position verndern zu mssen. Ich habe Mittelgroe Hnde, Handschuhgre 8.Fr Claw Grips ist die Maus vermutlich nur fr grere Hnde geeignet. Palm Rest Handhabungen sollten mit der Maus keine Porbleme haben.Der Sensor arbeitet hervorragend und przise, es sind keinerlei Nachteile zu einer kabelgebundenen Maus zu erkennen. Der fest verbaute Akku hlt locker mehrere Abende durch und wird schnell geladen.Die Software nicht im Lieferumfang, muss runtergeladen werden bietet, neben den Farb Einstellmglichkeiten, auch eine przise bersicht der Akkuladung. Das Logo und die Dpi Anzeige lassen sich einzeln farblich einstellen. Alle Maustasten sind frei belegbar und knnen mit Makros versehen werden.Zusammenfassend ist die G900 in smtlichen Punkten die perfekte Maus fr mich.Klare Kaufempfehlung

  104. blank

    Danny L.

    Wireless click latency and motion latency was very good. In the past, wireless mouse suffers battery, latency, and the weight issue. DPI updown shift buttons should be above tactile hyperfast scroll wheel button to easily press DPI shift buttons. That way itll be a lot easier to improve muscle memory. I come from G502 Proteus Core, and its by far one of the best wireless gaming mouse on the market If shape and ergonomic is your biggest concern, you can go with simplistic wireless mouse which is Logitech G403 which is optimally designed for righthanded user only. Overall, I love this mouse a lot In the near future, Id love to see wireless version of Logitech G502 Proteus.

  105. blank


    it doesnt change color it just stays blue and you cant get the one that does change color from Best buy you have to order it from the company that sells it that works with them b.s. Other than that this mouse feels and performs godly you wont regret buying it.

  106. blank


    Excellent mouse but its a bit too expensive for a mouse.

  107. blank

    John K

    this mouse is one of the top choices for gaming , extra side buttons , great censor , lag free wireless it is definitely expensive but it deserves its spot , also it is ambidextrous suitable for both left handed and right handed users which may or may not be a plus depending on your prefrence , it isnt a big mouse tho and it is pretty light weigh i like it being lightweight actually but some people like heavy mice

  108. blank


    Pros Ambidextrous Very light Lots of useful and novel featuresCons Expensive

  109. blank


    The Logitech G900 is amazing. Accuracyresponse time in games is awesome. It has a very comfortable feel in my hand and moves with ease. I love the modular design and rgb lighting. Programming the mouse seems pretty straight forward but, programming macros for games not on the software is a bit confusing. Otherwise the mouse works great.

  110. blank


    Pros Light, accurate and long lasting battery.Cons Design isnt as ergonomic as it could be. But that may be down to it being for both left and right handers.

  111. blank


    Pros Very accurate, I use this for long FPS gaming sessions as a hardcore gamer.Cons The profile was a bit longer than I expected which made it feel a bit strange when I first started using it.

  112. blank


    Pros The programmable buttons are useful for video and image editing and not just gaming. The battery life is also decent for such a high performing wireless mouseCons None yet…

  113. blank


    Pros very responsive zero glitchinginterference good functionality attractive design awesome ergonomy wireless orand cable connectionCons a bit pricey

  114. blank


    Pros EverythingCons Cant think of any

  115. blank


    Pros Simple to set up Smooth movementGood weightTop quality productTop performance

  116. blank


    Great product, good battery life and very customization ambidextrous mouse where you can switch the side buttons. Very accurate tracking and sensor overall.

  117. blank


    Low latency wireless mouse, nice size and weight.

  118. blank


    Bought this on sale. Everything about this is premium. Light, but not too light. Custom button layouts, customize what the buttons do, and customize those buttons in different profiles stored on the mouse, or you could set up even more on PC. I never thought Id notice a difference in responsiveness coming from a few years or Performance MX, but its obvious, even wireless. The software is fairly simple and intuitive considering the amount of custom options available. Easy to customize the lights as well, nice color cycle or single color breathing mode with adjustable rates. obviously takes a toll on the battery. Right now Im at 50, 17 hours left with no lights. Dont worry about using this wired though, comes with a long flexible cord basically like a shoelace. Comes with a nice little case for the accessories too. This is my first gaming mouse but I cant imagine they get much better. Every part is high quality. Press the button to release the wheel for fast scrolling, give it a good spin and it goes for over 15 seconds. Top tier item from a top tier company.

  119. blank


    Really awesome item , expensive but you get what you pay for, cool gig

  120. blank


    Does what it says it does, but could benefit from weights, as its slightly too light Otherwise great mouse.

  121. blank

    Adrian B.

    I would recommend this mouse to anyone. This has been the best feeling and functioning wireless mouse that I have used. If you want a mouse that makes you feel in control this is the mouse for you.

  122. blank


    This is a nice cells with high power and capacity, I did 3 weddings without recharge. Iam very happy.

  123. blank


    This mouse is really a good mouse as far as pointing devices go. The customisation available, being able to cover or uncover either or both the sets of side buttons is fantastic. The software that comes with it is a mess. Its weird to use. Of course the functionality is all there, but its just not easy to find what youre looking for. One thing I wanted to do is stop the mouse from glowing all the time. Its distracting. Logitechs software has the ability to disable the glowing lights hey, thats great When I disable the lights, the thing will eventually start glowing again for no reason. I open the software to see if the setting has changed, and the mouse stops glowing again… What Okay, so the main problem I have is that the software implementation is terrible. The mouse itself is really quite good.

  124. blank


    This was a Christmas Gift to my grandson…he says its wonderful.

  125. blank


    not very well

  126. blank


    Pros You honestly cannot tell this is wireless for ANY purposes have used many topend wired gaming mice. Made by logitech, so the sensor and shape and materials are very good. Software for customisation is excellent too. Ambidextrous and removable buttons.Cons It is very expensive. Its not exorbitantly expensive considering good gaming mice are usually 50 up, but Im not sure its worth buying for most people. Slightly long shape. Magnetic side buttons potentially fly off if mouse is thrown but its magnetic, no permanent damage.

  127. blank


    Its not amazing, but its not bad. The cable makes noise on my desk and im attributing all the movement issues i have to just being how things are positioned on my desk. However, its all a nice finish, but has obvious plastic. The program to change dpilightssettings is pretty decent too, but im not sure why a much lower priced wireless one with better grip imo doesnt have the program either. But you get what you pay for. Dont expect it to be the most durable though. Comes in the tiniest of boxes.

  128. blank


    This mouse manages to do everything exceedingly well, so it should please almost everyone. The shape is pretty safe, its ambidextrous, and has just enough buttons, plus built in memory and selectable profiles. Once you set up the mouse to your liking you can uninstall the software and use it on any PC. Its nice and light, and the battery life is amazing. All the buttons click nicely with great positive feel. If I had to fault it the plastic on the front bottom edge of the mouse is sharp and catches on the stitching of my mouse mat. Otherwise a near perfect mouse.

  129. blank


    Its an amazing mouse I love it replaces my Logitech g602 nicely

  130. blank


    Everything is perfect for playing the gamethanks

  131. blank


    the best one I have used

  132. blank

    Michael J.

    I came from the Logitech Performance MX mouse which had an inherent middle click failure. Logitech warranty did replace 2 of them over 3 years however they dont seem to address issues with their products after release. I unfortunately have to recommend something else at this time.

  133. blank


    Searched years for a good G9G9x replacement. Got all the Logitech gaming mouse, none felt like the G9s. The G900 is closest one yet.

  134. blank


    Absolutely fantastic mouse, battery lasts alot longer than I expected even when left on. Accuracy is fantastic which is is what you expect from this sensor.

  135. blank


    Best, What ever I have

  136. blank


    Loving the dualsided optional buttons and can scroll with ease over large documents with the click retracter.

  137. blank


    Works clearly, with loud clicks. Unfortunately the bluetooth does not work

  138. blank


    Unless you really need wireless or ambidextrous, I would go with G502. I tried both for a while and I will return the G900. The G900 is too slippery for me and I tend to right click accidentally when my fingers rest. Clicking on the G900 is also slightly more noisy which annoys me and seems to require a little more pressure, this can make a difference when playing shooters.

  139. blank


    Alles top. 1110

  140. blank

    Bethany G.

    I see a lot of people rate the mouse low simply because they prefer the feel of a different brand or model. That had nothing to do with this mouse but rather that is your hand. Hardware wise this is the best mouse out there. If your hand doesnt like it then that is your issue If you like a heavy mouse…this one is light dont blame the mouse.

  141. blank


    Love this mouse. Best on the market. Versatile, accurate reliable Highly recommended

  142. blank


    Worked straight away thanks

  143. blank

    Kim Y

    I like it can be cordless. The software seems very good. It took some getting used to. I almost returned it but gave it one more chance. I ordered a set of grips from that chinese site and they arrived very quickly. They made a big difference in the overall feel. Thats how the mouse should have come from factory. I find the mouse feels too small for my hand but I am getting used to it. I think my gameplay has improved but there is a learning curve. Hopefully it lasts a long time and then the purchase will be worthwhile. I plan to experiment with the software settings to see if I can improve my sniping abilitys as it seems to be so important.

  144. blank


    This is quite a mouse, great precision and excellent feeling The normal price is a bit steep but if you really want to step up your precision not only on games but in general, this is your mouse

  145. blank


    I use it for gaming and has preformed flawlessly

  146. blank


    Bought it for 2 months. Nothing to say about it. Too good for the price on sale.

  147. blank


    I am Karim Khalid I am from Egypt I have 15 years I will be very happy to introduce your product with a comprehensive review of my YouTube channel my Instagram page in Arabic, and I will send you the review link. Especially since the number of my followers is not small and I would be very happy to personally review the work

  148. blank


    its more like a used mouse than a refurbished one. Has a slight damage or erased original paint of the mouse on the right side. Maybe they send me a bad one

  149. blank


    I tried multiple mice before settling for this one. Its one of the most expensive mice out there. Its a jack of all trades, master of none. Ambidextrous, which means its okay for both hands but just okay. It works with all kinds of grip, but again, just doesnt get it perfectly right with any one grip. It takes a while getting used to because its not the most comfortable and the surface is too slippery, but after a while your hand automatically adjusts. The buttons dont have enough resistance and I always end up clicking things by accident, but never to the point of creating chaos, just little oppsies . Thats the bad, now the good part is that this mouse is highly customizable, and all the magic happens in the software. If you are someone who doesnt play around with customization, this mouse is not worth the money spent. You really must spend time to get the button layout just the way you want. Every program can have a different setting. I love that not just for gamingmainly play overwatch, destiny 2, warframe, but mostly for productivity. In fact, I bought this mouse mainly to use as a work mouse. The best overall mouse I have ever owned. Only thing to make it better would be to make it work with multiple computers like the mx series Id pay double for that functionality in this mouse.

  150. blank


    Well designed, excellent response and click feeling

  151. blank


    I was hesitant to spend so much on a mouse, but it is definitely worth it. It moves effortlessly, is comfortable, the buttons are all well placed and it looks great. The customizeability of it through the software is amazing. Fine tune dpi, lights and buttons. Best mouse I have ever owned by far.

  152. blank

    Christian E

    Habe die Maus ja noch nicht lange, daher hier mein Ersteindruckuerst schnell, trotz Funkanbindung kann ich keinerlei Verzgerung gegenber der Vorgngerin Logitech G402 feststellen.Spielen ist mit dieser Funkmaus ist ein ganz anderes Gefhl, so ganz ohne Einschrnkung durch ein Mauskabel oder die Notwendigkeit eines MausBungee.Die Akkulaufzeit ist gefhlt sehr gut, zudem kann ich die Maus, wenn Sie nicht bentigt wird, mittels Schalter auf der Unterseite ruckzuck aus und natrlich wieder einschalten.Der einzige Kritikpunkt, der aber einen Stern kostetDie dpiUmschaltung ist fr eine GamingMaus nicht gut gelst und war z.B. bei der G402 deutlich besser situiert. Bei der G900 muss ich doch recht akrobatisch ein Fingerchen verrenken, was mir ein schnelles Umswitchen zwischen High oder Mid und Lowsense ohne evtl. Verwackeln bis dato unmglich macht.FazitBisher meine beste Maus, die neugewonnene Freiheit sorgt fr ein bisher nicht gekanntes Spielgefhl. Keine sprbare Latenz, bis auf die dpiUmschaltung und das PlastikGehuse bei einem regulren Preis von momentan ca. 140 etwas unwrdig sehr gelungen.Zu einem Preis unter 100 und wenn ihr in Spielen nicht zu viel die dpiUmschaltung nutzt, gibts von mir daher eine unbedingte Kaufempfehlung.

  153. blank


    Ambidextrous, comfortable, fast. These are built with the fastest laser on the market. Puts a wired connection to shame. Buy one, I highly recommend it.

  154. blank


    Great mouse, like it a lot, one of the best, works flawlessly.

  155. blank


    A little pricy but its the best

  156. blank


    Before buying this product i had G9 for almost 10 years, for a short period I tried the G502 and eventhough it was a good mouse its lightyears away from this. This model is a great purchase if you dont want to spend extra on the future Wireless mat charger, I prefer the regular ones still for now.

  157. blank


    This is the best mouse for gaming.

  158. blank


    Lightweight and precise, nice design

  159. blank


    Not really a hardcore gamer anymore so this thing is overkill, but straight away you can really see how precise and smooth this mouse is, and its far from its highest resolution . Well worth every cent I spent.

  160. blank



  161. blank


    Great product works like it should and no laggingdelay when gaming like other wireless devices. I like it

  162. blank


    full DPI control fast charging .

  163. blank


    The mouse is great It has no lag at all and have lots of customizations.

  164. blank

    NELLA B.

    I finally decided to move from my MX518 since my Chinese supplier finally run out of them when something works good I dont change it regardless of how much OEM brags about its new equipment, and I was a bit put off since a lot of people complain about mouse acceleration and other nitpicks, abut I am pleasantly surprised that this mouse behaves exactly as my good ol MX518, regardless of it being wired or wireless. Also unlike my MX518 this one works good on desk as well as on cloth pad.

  165. blank


    all right

  166. blank


    I like this mouse, the battery really last, and the program to st up the mouse is not that invasive or full of things you dont need

  167. blank


    In short the BEST wireless gaming mouse out there. Just the right size and weight. Side buttons can be customized for left or right hand use. The response is quick and dpi can be changed on the fly. Plus with the USB charging cable it can be used a a wired mouse. I get about a week of serious gaming time out of it before needing to recharge and about 3 weeks of just normal use.

  168. blank


    The only complaint I have is when I do long swiping left or right the mouse wheel will go up or down, but I just disabled my moise wheel ingame so its still good

  169. blank


    I bought it as my gaming mouse but ended up using it as my work mouse and boy i was glad to do that. I am writing the review after almost six months of use. The speed and control is amazing. Two things which can be improved are 1. There can be an option added to control the resistance of the scroll wheel. 2. Rubber padding on the sides would be a great plus to add better grip. Sometimes when its cold and really dry it feels slippery. Definitely recommend it.

  170. blank



  171. blank


    Bought it from here originally, first one failed, scroll wheel broke, but mighty ape came to the party and replaced it pretty fast. New mouse going great guns since.

  172. blank

    Suzan Y

    The best mouse I ever had so farGood for working, good for playingSaves you lot of time with all shortcuts available Nice, abstract design, battery is no issue and…worth the price So, dont linger, get one

  173. blank


    I love this mouse so far and the battery for this mouse is excellent

  174. blank


    great mouse for the avid gamer, no lags wonderful for pro users

  175. blank


    Received this item new in retail box. Works very well as a wireless or wired unit. Easy to install and setup the Logitech software. Seems to glide smoother and faster than my old Razor mouse.

  176. blank


    I upgraded from an older Logitech corded gaming mouse. This g900 is like pushing an ice cube on a glass surface compared to the old one that was like pushing a block of wood on cement. Battery life is excellent and lots of customization options in the software.

  177. blank


    Its Solid at an affordable price for high Quality Gaming Mice

  178. blank


    Wer eine elegante Maus frs Arbeiten oder frs Gaming sucht ist bei dieser Maus genau richtigEiner der vielen Vorteile ist, der schnelle wechsel von Kabel auf Kabellos. Ausserdem kommt die Maus im edlen Logitech Light Look daher was zu jederzeit eine Augenweide ist.Die Maus ist super bequem und extrem flexibel. Die reaktion ist unschlagbar Mit oder ohne Kabel.Man erkennt einfach keinen Unterschied wenn man die Maus im Wireless Modus im Betrieb hat. Sie reagiert so schnell, dass man denkt man spiele mit einer verkabelten MausDas aufladen des Akkus verluft verhltnissmssig bescheiden. Bei mir sind es ca 68h bis die charge wieder voll oben ist. Dafr hlt der Akku dann auch locker mal 23 Tage durch.Alles in allem ist die Maus wirklich zu empfehlen, abgesehen vom Minuspunkt mit dem Akku. Siehe ContraAnonsten kann ich nur ein Lob an Logitech aussprechen und fr diejenigen die sich fr diese Maus interessieren, empfehle ich ein Video auf Youtube, welches zeigt mit was fr einer Sorgfalt und Przision diese Maus geplant, durchdacht, gebaut und verbessert worden ist bevor Diese zu uns auf den Markt kam.Pros Liegt super in der Hand Auswechselbare Griffteile Der wechsel von Kabel auf Kabellos erfolgt beinahe sofort weniger als 12 sekunde Sehr anpassbare Software Inklusive LUAScript Editor fr Makro Programmierungen Anpassbare DPI Die Maus macht sich elegant bemerkbar sobald der Akku ausgeht Maus blinkt Hinweis auf dem PC Angenehme Farben und Farbeffekte Kann bei belieben ausgeschaltet werden PolyFaser Kabel Umhllung Unschlagbare Combo mit der Logitech G910 Tastatur Abgesehen von dem Minuspunkt mit dem Akku, absolut zu empfehlen Best Mouse ever CContras Akku nutzt sich zwar nur sehr langsam ab dafr ist der Akku ist nicht auswechselbar… Leider etwas typisch fr unsere Wegwerfgesellschaft.Das ist eigentlich schon alles

  179. blank


    Mechanical switches for great click, good design for palmhybrid grip, many buttons and great sensor

  180. blank

    Jarrus Chuck

    This mouse has pretty much no difference from the G903 except for the fact that it doesnt have magnetic changeable buttons and cant be paired with Logitech Powerplay charging mousepad. It feels sorta weird because it is made for both your right and left hand but honestly its kinda weird to have side buttons by your pinky. I would rather get the G502 because its more comfortable and has the same number of buttons as this mouse but its wired and is only made for your right hand. PROS RBG Lighting Good feeling click Wireless Lots of buttons Made for both your left and right hand CONS Weird feel Weird placement of side buttons if you ask me

  181. blank

    Jens N

    Vorab muss ich sagen das ich sehr viele Logitechprodukte kaufe bzw gekauft habe. Innerhalb der letzten 1 12 Jahren habe ich u.a. 3 Logitech GSeries Produkte bei MediaMarkt erworben und alle sind ihren Preis nicht wert. G900, G910 und G933 sind nicht zu empfehlenAber hier nun zur Logitech G900 Chaos Spectrum Gaming MausDie Verpackung und die ersten 714 Tage Gebrauch der Maus sind das einzig gute. Ok, Der Wireless Betrieb ist auch wirklich nicht schlecht und der Akku hlt auch fast einen Tag aber nach 2 Wochen hat man dovon auch nichts mehrNach den ersten 2 Wochen ist ein merklicher unterschied beim bettigen von der linken und rechten Maustaste zu spren. Somit ist spielen auf hohen Niveau unmglich. Der Unterschied bei der Bettigung ist auch hrbar. Und das bei einem Kaufpreis von knapp 200 Euro. Die beworbene Langlebigkeit ist keinesfalls gegebenWarum schreibe ich erst jetzt diese ReviewJetzt fngt die Maus an sich regelmssig vom PC zu trennen und neu zu verbinden und ich werde von der Logitech Gaming Software nach dem neu verbinden erkennen auf den Desktop geschmissen. Beim streamen und aufnehmen ist das alles andere als hilfreich und treibt mich langsam in den WahnsinnDie Logitech G910 Tastatur und das G933 Headset bewerte ich auf der jeweiligen Produktseite.

  182. blank


    sensitive, precise, ergonomic, awesome design I like the lighting effects. good battery life between recharges. I use it for both work and gaming The Division 2. Upgraded from G700s and its a big improvement. Feels a little bit long when I am using the side buttons my fingers reach the buttons but at the lower limit

  183. blank


    Anotrher excellent product by Logitech

  184. blank


    Typisch Logitech Hatte eine neue Maus bentigt weil meine Trust nach 3 Monaten den Geist aufgegeben hat. Letztes mal eine Maus von einem andrern Hersteller.Bin beim Saturn fndig geworden. Statt der 124 war sie im Angebot fr 69, da konnte man nicht nein sagen. Fr meine Spielweise reichen die beiden Extra Tasten innen, mit ein bisschen bungen kann man auch eine von den beiden Tasten auf den anderen Seite mitbenutzen. Ist mit kleinen Hnden allerdings sehr schwierig. Installation ging schneller als das auspacken, Plug Play.Mit der entsprechenden Logitech PC Software lassen sich Farbe, DPI und Polling Rate Problemlos einstellen. Profile kann man sich zu genge anlegen und fr jedes Spiel die Tastem seperat einstellen.Das Mausrad ist fr mich etwas gewhnungsbedrftig. Ist das gleich wie bei einer g502, falls diese Maus jemand hatte.Linkshnder geeignet Akku Laufzeit ist gut. Nach etwa 5 Stunden Spielzeit zeigte mir die Software noch einen Rest Akku fr ca. 10h an. Reicht Zur Verarbeitung brauch ich nicht viel Schreiben, gewohnte Qualitt.Bleibt nur noch abzuwarten was die Zeit bringt, ob die Maus genau so lange hlt wie meine G400.

  185. blank


    its a perfect all rounder mouse

  186. blank


    Eigentlich eine gute Maus, zum Gamen top, ABER, fr den normalen Gebrauch ist es eine Katastrophe. Um einer Taste den Doppelkilck zu zuweisen, wird man seelig. Welcher Logitech Programmierer diese Funktion einfach weggelasen hat bei der Logitech Software, der ist nicht mehr zu retten. Versteht mich nicht falsch, es geht schon, mit makro generieren resp. einfach umstndlich, in 5min mal so dir nichts mir nichts umstellen, da lachen die Hhner. Warum das nicht einfach geht, ist mir nicht ersichtlich.Ergo, wie gesagt die Maus zum Gamen super, aber fr alles andere kauft euch noch eine andere Maus. Ihr erspart euch eine Menge Nerven.

  187. blank


    please take note I purchased this item instoreThis may just be the best mouse I have laid my hands on over the course of my 10 years in the gaming industry.As of right now, there has not been a single mouse that has balanced speed, accuracy, weight, and performance as perfectly as the G903 Chaos Spectrum, and I honestly dont think there ever will be. Between the easytouse softwareplus the replaceable buttons allowing for total gaming freedom, and the lightweight, powerful design perfect for toting around, this mouse is perfect for anything you have to throw at it. Whether it be for office or gaming or anything in between, this mouse is sure to be the last one youll ever buytake it from a gamer

  188. blank


    work great

  189. blank

    Brandon R.

    Im a gamer and Ive struggled to find a mouse thats versatile enough and comfortable enough for heavy gaming. I currently have three of these in my house two gaming, one for work. Love it

  190. blank


    Before buying this product i had G9 for almost 10 years, for a short period I tried the G502 and eventhough it was a good mouse its lightyears away from this. This model is a great purchase if you dont want to spend extra on the future Wireless mat charger, I prefer the regular ones still for now.

  191. blank


    Good software, nice clicking, lots a buttons. For me, personally, the side buttons arent in convenient places for fastpaced games, but for slower ones its fine.

  192. blank


    its more like a used mouse than a refurbished one. Has a slight damage or erased original paint of the mouse on the right side. Maybe they send me a bad one

  193. blank


    This is the best mouse for gaming.

  194. blank


    its a perfect all rounder mouse

  195. blank


    This is a must get mouse for FPS gaming. One of the best purchase I have made. It is a little pricey, which I think should change in the future. But it is worth it

  196. blank


    Best, What ever I have

  197. blank


    Pros The programmable buttons are useful for video and image editing and not just gaming. The battery life is also decent for such a high performing wireless mouseCons None yet…

  198. blank


    Its not amazing, but its not bad. The cable makes noise on my desk and im attributing all the movement issues i have to just being how things are positioned on my desk. However, its all a nice finish, but has obvious plastic. The program to change dpilightssettings is pretty decent too, but im not sure why a much lower priced wireless one with better grip imo doesnt have the program either. But you get what you pay for. Dont expect it to be the most durable though. Comes in the tiniest of boxes.

  199. blank

    Daniel T.

    I think this is a great wireless gaming mouse and would recommend it for anyone looking for one. Also the Logitech software seems easy to use as well. I have never had the battery die yet on me. The software says with the RGB lighting on static that it has a 22 hour charge. Pretty darn good if you ask me.

  200. blank

    Gary K.

    The charging issue is incredibly frustrating especially as it is a 150 WIRELESS mouse Granted it is fully usable wired and still works just as well it is just inconvenient to have a cord getting tangled up or dragging on the mouse. Plus Im one of those people who uses their computer to play games from the couch so this is extra inconvenient for me. Im REALLY hoping this issue is just a firmware or software issue that can be fixed with an update…

  201. blank


    Well designed, excellent response and click feeling

  202. blank


    Just perfect. Working fine 2.5m away from my HTPC.

  203. blank


    Hard to tell the difference between the G900 wireless and wired mode. Absolutely love the mouse, took me an hr or so to get use to the new grip, but I like how you can customise the button to fit either a lefty or righty. Battery life is excellent, I only have to charge it once a week. I just wished there was 1 more button on the side, but thats personal preference. I would definitely recommend the G900 to anyone that is able to afford it because it is fairly pricey

  204. blank


    Pros EverythingCons Cant think of any

  205. blank

    Daniel S.

    Ive always been quite happy with Logitech in the past, and so far this hasnt been an exception. Ive had a single weird issue with this mouse where i have to click one of the buttons on the left to be able to click anything on the screen, but thats only happened once or twice when i was first building my new rig. Its been fantastic aside from that though.

  206. blank


    Pros it has an intelligent elegance and design without the need to shout about it through some gawdy overstatementCons no

  207. blank


    Pros The mouse is super accurate and super responsive. Every detail of the laser is changeable and the mouse it a perfect fit to my hands.Cons It a tiny bit overpriced to the competition, but that said still worth the money.

  208. blank


    A little pricy but its the best

  209. blank


    Easily one of the most responsive and accurate mice I have ever used. Its comfortable and has a long battery life, especially if you turn off the fancy RGB. Definitely worth buying, if you want a gaming mouse thats wireless without sacrificing performance.

  210. blank


    It was in great condition but just a minor thing. You would get 5 star reviews like this more if you clean the product before sending it over. Not trying to be mean just putting that out there.

  211. blank


    Easy to use, plug in and a breeze to set up. It just works.

  212. blank


    Pros Extremely fast and accurate mouse cannot tell its wireless. Should be excellent after a few days of use.Cons None so far

  213. blank


    I use it for gaming and has preformed flawlessly

  214. blank

    Adrian B.

    I would recommend this mouse to anyone. This has been the best feeling and functioning wireless mouse that I have used. If you want a mouse that makes you feel in control this is the mouse for you.

  215. blank


    Everything is perfect for playing the gamethanks

  216. blank


    The mouse is the best one I ever used, although I dont prefer the design of high altitude of that mouse. Also the package is almost totally broken. There are numerous scratches on the foot pad

  217. blank

    Justin E.

    Ive always been a wired mouse guy, this has changed my perspective and i will never go back, Ive owned most of the g series mouses in the past and i dont think i could ever use a mouse again without the unlock scroll feature.

  218. blank


    Very ergonomic, good on touch and response. One can really appreciate this mouse on a high refresh rate monitor.

  219. blank

    Kim Y

    I like it can be cordless. The software seems very good. It took some getting used to. I almost returned it but gave it one more chance. I ordered a set of grips from that chinese site and they arrived very quickly. They made a big difference in the overall feel. Thats how the mouse should have come from factory. I find the mouse feels too small for my hand but I am getting used to it. I think my gameplay has improved but there is a learning curve. Hopefully it lasts a long time and then the purchase will be worthwhile. I plan to experiment with the software settings to see if I can improve my sniping abilitys as it seems to be so important.

  220. blank

    NELLA B.

    I finally decided to move from my MX518 since my Chinese supplier finally run out of them when something works good I dont change it regardless of how much OEM brags about its new equipment, and I was a bit put off since a lot of people complain about mouse acceleration and other nitpicks, abut I am pleasantly surprised that this mouse behaves exactly as my good ol MX518, regardless of it being wired or wireless. Also unlike my MX518 this one works good on desk as well as on cloth pad.

  221. blank


    Really a joy

  222. blank


    Bought this on sale. Everything about this is premium. Light, but not too light. Custom button layouts, customize what the buttons do, and customize those buttons in different profiles stored on the mouse, or you could set up even more on PC. I never thought Id notice a difference in responsiveness coming from a few years or Performance MX, but its obvious, even wireless. The software is fairly simple and intuitive considering the amount of custom options available. Easy to customize the lights as well, nice color cycle or single color breathing mode with adjustable rates. obviously takes a toll on the battery. Right now Im at 50, 17 hours left with no lights. Dont worry about using this wired though, comes with a long flexible cord basically like a shoelace. Comes with a nice little case for the accessories too. This is my first gaming mouse but I cant imagine they get much better. Every part is high quality. Press the button to release the wheel for fast scrolling, give it a good spin and it goes for over 15 seconds. Top tier item from a top tier company.

  223. blank


    Absolutely fantastic mouse, battery lasts alot longer than I expected even when left on. Accuracy is fantastic which is is what you expect from this sensor.

  224. blank

    Justin C.

    If you are on the fence, it is worth it. Highly recommend it, always dealt with cable drag in the past and finally decided to go the wireless route when this thing came out. I have never looked back since

  225. blank


    It was in great condition but just a minor thing. You would get 5 star reviews like this more if you clean the product before sending it over. Not trying to be mean just putting that out there.

  226. blank


    While the wireless charge time is slightly on the short side, its responsiveness makes up for it on all accounts. The neutral shape supports both palm and claw grip styles albeit with an odd design choice where the left and right mouse buttons dip back into the mouse resulting in your finger straddling the threshold the force to click is noticeably increased due to the altered click position based on the mouses mechanical button design, and its ability to swap out side buttons with covers with two shallowbutclicky DPI buttons that can be rebinded to something else with Logitechs software results in a surprisingly flexible, wellthoughtout mouse. It is ambidextrous in design, has two LED lighting zones though the G logo tends to be dimmer or visually flatter due to the material the LED has to shine through, and a hyperfast scrollwheel toggle button right where it should be instead of underneath the mouse ala the Logitech G9x. The optical sensor is the industryleading Pixart PMW3366 which works best on flat matte surfaces, and picks up all of your movements near 11 as far as I could tell, resulting even in gamers who otherwise thought they were fairly accurate to notice how inaccurate they truly were. The biggest flaw is perhaps in the design of the mechanicalmouse buttons where theyre left intentionally open, with noticeable gaps that could lead to debris getting caught within the mouses internals. Ive already lost a cat hair down there, never to see the light of day again unless I decide to pull it apart the steps would include ripping off the slippy feet to get at the screws arduous indeed. Its leaps and bounds ahead most other mice, but it falls just short of a full 100 rating but a 5 out of 5 will have to do. What Id personally really like to see is Logitech taking induction charging technology from mobile devices and implementing it into a future mouse and mousepad combo to completely eliminate cables to the mouse.

  227. blank


    I had the G502 before this, the G700, and the G500. This mouse is ambidextrous and can switch between left and right hand users. I like the ability for configurationscustomizations, accuracy of the sensor, and feel of the mouse. The addition of wirelesswire back into it was also great. That was something I really liked about the G700 since it can adapt for many different uses. What I do miss with the G900 is being able to change the weight of the mouse. I dont game a lot but even for typical use I like being able to alter this just for my own comfort. Aside from that though I feel this mouse works really well. The buttons themselves offer a nice click so you know each time youre using it. I think moving the DPI shift buttons to the center was also a good move since I would confuse their location from time to time with the forward and back buttons on the G502. I feel that clicking right and left with the wheel button is smoother than before, takes less effort, and pressing the wheel button down seems good as well. Overall it works well for me but as with anything thats subjective to the user. Whether it fits to you or not, the mouse is good quality and will hopefully last me a long period of time.

  228. blank


    The mouse is great It has no lag at all and have lots of customizations.

  229. blank


    Lightweight and precise, nice design

  230. blank


    Pros Very accurate, I use this for long FPS gaming sessions as a hardcore gamer.Cons The profile was a bit longer than I expected which made it feel a bit strange when I first started using it.

  231. blank

    Russell O.

    I have large hands and like gaming mice that you can claw and thought after taking it out of the box I would not like it, because it felt small and too close to the gaming pad I was using. I am right handed and noticed my palm was dragging a bit and messing up my shots in BF1. I changed my hand grip a little more forward and bingo I found the sweet spot. I did not realize how much I missed wireless gaming mice since the Logitech G7 days which I still own. Yes I tried Razor Mamba Chroma and I must say this mouse blows it away. If you have the money try it and you will never look back. Logitech hit a home run with this mouse even a picky knuckle dragging claw gripper like my self.

  232. blank


    Probably the best.

  233. blank


    Good Product Does The Job, Some Games Say You Are Cheating When You Use A Programmable Game Mouse But Works Much Better Than A Regular Mouse Not Compatible With Some Games Especially Those With A Lot Of Keyboard Commands

  234. blank


    Best mouse Ive ever owned.

  235. blank


    Probably the best.

  236. blank


    Great mouse, like it a lot, one of the best, works flawlessly.

  237. blank


    Its Solid at an affordable price for high Quality Gaming Mice

  238. blank


    Mouse feels real nice and of good quality. Very ergonomic for right and left handed users. I totally recommend

  239. blank


    Ambidextrous, comfortable, fast. These are built with the fastest laser on the market. Puts a wired connection to shame. Buy one, I highly recommend it.

  240. blank


    Pros Best mouse Ive ever hadCons None

  241. blank


    I like this mouse, the battery really last, and the program to st up the mouse is not that invasive or full of things you dont need

  242. blank


    Searched years for a good G9G9x replacement. Got all the Logitech gaming mouse, none felt like the G9s. The G900 is closest one yet.

  243. blank


    The mouse works great and I have no issue with lag, response time or drop outs unlike regular wireless mice. You pay a premium for it, but its extremely well made and most importantly lives up to the promised wireless reception quality.

  244. blank


    Worked straight away thanks

  245. blank


    Pros Better than razer mamba chroma Move soft Awesome Good work on battery Very good materialsCons Dont find yet

  246. blank


    Pros Was very easy to setup. First proper gaming mouse I have had. I have always used wireless mouses hence why I bought this one. Works beautifully and is a very capable piece of kitCons Well if there is anything that bugs me is that its going to be a pain to clean if it gets dusty haha

  247. blank


    Good Product Does The Job, Some Games Say You Are Cheating When You Use A Programmable Game Mouse But Works Much Better Than A Regular Mouse Not Compatible With Some Games Especially Those With A Lot Of Keyboard Commands

  248. blank


    sensitive, precise, ergonomic, awesome design I like the lighting effects. good battery life between recharges. I use it for both work and gaming The Division 2. Upgraded from G700s and its a big improvement. Feels a little bit long when I am using the side buttons my fingers reach the buttons but at the lower limit

  249. blank


    Fantastic birthday present best ever

  250. blank


    I am Karim Khalid I am from Egypt I have 15 years I will be very happy to introduce your product with a comprehensive review of my YouTube channel my Instagram page in Arabic, and I will send you the review link. Especially since the number of my followers is not small and I would be very happy to personally review the work

  251. blank


    i enjoy this mouse alot except for the fact its not the g900 its a g403 ……. i would of sent back but i need a gaming mouse to bad to wait it out any longer i would post a lower score but i actaully love the g403 lol still sad it wasnt the advertised g900

  252. blank


    Loving the dualsided optional buttons and can scroll with ease over large documents with the click retracter.

  253. blank


    Pros A beautifully constructed, high quality, high end gaming mouse with true bespoke technological parts.The Logitech G900 Chaos Spectrum performs beautifully, having both accuracy and precision in spades. The G900 uses a Pixart PMW3366 optical sensor, regarded as the finest gaming sensor currently available, and this certainly shows in real world use.The real selling point of this mouse is that it performs as good as or better than wired mice, and beyond reading reviews or watching videos, my tests on playing Doom on a MSI GP62 6QF laptop Intel i7 quad core, 8GB DDR4 RAM, nVidia GTX960M and Razer Goliathus Speed mouse pad confirm this point I suffered no lag, no ghosting, or any issues. Just excellent tracking and fun gameplay sans wires.Then the mouse has amazing extras such as True ambidextrous design, modular side buttons either no buttons via blanking plates, or two buttons on either side of your choosing, or all four buttons on both sides of the mouse, Full RGB lighting on the logo and DPI indicators fully customisable, Nextgen left and right clicks using a unique pivot system, Braided charging cable, A USB extender if needed for moving the receiver away from your computer and near your mouse, Super light mouse at 107g, which is crazy for a wireless mouse. Logitech even went and spoked out the scroll wheel to reduce weight Hyperfast scroll wheel with a button to turn wheel into stepped operation super awesome, Feels good to use the mouse ergonomically.I am a super fan of this mouse, highly recommendedCons No hard case with the Logitech G900, which is odd considering price and that nearly ten years ago the old Logitech G7 came with a beautiful case.The braided cable has pincer like end to attach to the G900, but this means it cant be used on any other large device. The extra plastic pincer parts are for show and are unnecessary.Though the Logitech G900 does feel good to use, the Logitech G502 and Master MX v2 both feel better to use in the hand shape wise.Middle click on scroll wheel is a tad harder to activate high accutation.

  254. blank


    i enjoy this mouse alot except for the fact its not the g900 its a g403 ……. i would of sent back but i need a gaming mouse to bad to wait it out any longer i would post a lower score but i actaully love the g403 lol still sad it wasnt the advertised g900

  255. blank

    Seung Yeop

    I had really bad experience with wireless mouse. But, this mouse is just great. Software is great. I just like logitec products in general.

  256. blank


    Cons Winter charge when turned on

  257. blank


    Very satisfied with these rechargeable batteries. Did buy and use a couple of lower brand batteries and they cannot even compare to these ones. They hold the charge and provide declared power for much longer time this is only a subjective opinion, I havent done any objective measurements, but the difference is clearly obvious. Two thumbs up.

  258. blank


    Excellent mouse, havent used many of the features, the software is good when you eventually find the right version, I couldnt download it from the Logitech website. So I ended up searching on google and downloaded it from somewhere else, but the mouse itself works great, no complaints, the only negative is the price..

  259. blank


    Bought G900 instead of G903 because of the price. However, the battery performs actually pretty well. Also nice connection and pretty precise.

  260. blank


    I hate to admit it, but the new old stock RAZOR G3.5 DeathAdder BLACK edition I bought for 30.00 replaced this 120.00 mouse. As good as many things are on the G900 it simply feels awkward in hand and all the time. Gaming with it was OK at best, but let me warn you…not everyone feels like I do on the feel. The G3.5 simply vanished in my hand…even with a few mushy buttons and the G900 does not. Whats good on the G900 For 1440 displays and even three displays the 12,000 DPI is a must. On a 1080P monitor it isnt at all, I use the G900 mouse set to 1500DPI with a 6 of 11 in the W10 mouse settings and no acceleration. More important is the 1000 Hz polling and 1ms response time both mice have. The G900 mouse never stutters or acts unresponsive. The sensor is definitely superior to the G3.5 when you get off the mouse pad. It is virtually the same mouse where the G3.5 simply turns turtle on you. So if you are a big arm movement gamer, and may slip off the mouse pad, the G900 mouse wont get you killed unless you were going to die anyway. Inferior sensors may freeze you up or act wonky. The G900 seems impervious to slipups off the mouse pad. I used it on a bare fake wood grain desk and it could care less. I cant say the difference in acceleration RAZOR G3.5 60120 inches per second and 15G verses the G900s 300 IPS and 40G was ever noticed. The weight of the G900 mouse seems counter to FAST arms swipes, though. I have BOTH mice going at the same time and switch back and fourth but I cant tell the IPS response between the two at all on my 1080P monitor. Youll need way more than 1080P before the specs catchup to the hardware. Im not a big mouse movement gamer, but get along fine on a medium sized mouse pad. If you are a 800 DPI gamer, the high IPS rating may be useful to you with 1440 or higher monitors. The Logitech Software is easy to use to get the most out of the mouse and the DPI setting buttons on the mouse are super handy where they are located. But, once I settled in I never went away from the 1500 DPI. If you do change DPI the G900 mouse is really nice. All the lights can be adjusted to suit. Physical configuration is nice, as it is a lefty or righty mouse. It will be as good for either handedness as it is symmetrical. I dont think anyone will complain about the basic quality of construction of the shape, It gets there in Mercedes fashion. The cord is strain relief at the mouse is a nice example of the details in the construction Logitech wanted to reach. But in the end, my HAND likes the new old stock G3.5 RAZOR DeathAdder BLACK edition mouse much better and even with the inconsistent button feel. They all work fine, but they just dont have that, thought of everything, consistency of the G900. No, the G3.5 DeathAdder isnt as technically as wide a monitor resolution mouse with 3500 DPI. 1080P is the G3.5 Death Adders domain, but it goes away in my hand when I use it. The G900 never does. Funny, many older Logitech mice were superb feeling. The G900 wins on paper, not in your hand. Until I have to have a higher DPI count the cheap 30.00 mouse I bought as a spare fivebutton mouse is my favorite mouse. The lesson paid for, I bought both mice, is dont overspend your monitors performance and feel wins out in the end if you have enough DPI, polling rates and Gforce for how you game. I give this mouse a four of five because the shape will NOT bother so many, and everything else is excellent for highresolution gaming. The G900 is a WAY out there in performance three monitor mouse in search of the right, or left, hand that agrees with it.

  261. blank


    I got this product and was high disappointing. Bright was light too. It eyes my hurts. Its pretty saucy if you ask me. The button too small it was. The mouse didnt plug in to the hole but i gave grandson and he like good. Good product good price is was grandson said. This is good.

  262. blank


    Pros Almost the perfect mouseGreat battery life and connectivity. Good software and hot swapping between wired and wireless. Works really well on most surfaces, can be tuned for extra precision too.

  263. blank


    Bought G900 instead of G903 because of the price. However, the battery performs actually pretty well. Also nice connection and pretty precise.

  264. blank


    The mouse feels and acts smooth, the buttons really feel different as on other gaming mice where u actually bend plastic to click. The SW is easy on the eyes and brains which makes it so much more enjoyable. I would normally finish after this word count, but I do have to point out that the sensor is really precise.

  265. blank


    Unless you really need wireless or ambidextrous, I would go with G502. I tried both for a while and I will return the G900. The G900 is too slippery for me and I tend to right click accidentally when my fingers rest. Clicking on the G900 is also slightly more noisy which annoys me and seems to require a little more pressure, this can make a difference when playing shooters.

  266. blank


    Great value.

  267. blank


    the item arrived way before the day i expected it. due to the item being shipped over sea but it was a very good purchase, i been using it for a while now and it hasnt fail me

  268. blank


    Love this mouse. Best on the market. Versatile, accurate reliable Highly recommended

  269. blank


    Most normal logi shape IMO to date. No discomfort with palm grip. I did not like any previous shapes for years from them until now. Dont get me wrong its not the greatest ambi mouse but it doesnt feel as mechanical as it looks. I cant imagine going back to a wired mouse.

  270. blank


    Works clearly, with loud clicks. Unfortunately the bluetooth does not work

  271. blank

    Danny L.

    Wireless click latency and motion latency was very good. In the past, wireless mouse suffers battery, latency, and the weight issue. DPI updown shift buttons should be above tactile hyperfast scroll wheel button to easily press DPI shift buttons. That way itll be a lot easier to improve muscle memory. I come from G502 Proteus Core, and its by far one of the best wireless gaming mouse on the market If shape and ergonomic is your biggest concern, you can go with simplistic wireless mouse which is Logitech G403 which is optimally designed for righthanded user only. Overall, I love this mouse a lot In the near future, Id love to see wireless version of Logitech G502 Proteus.

  272. blank

    Brent E.

    Poor value, I would never buy a refurb of this company again. I didnt realize at the time their warranty is only 30 days funny how the battery problems didnt really show for about 45 days.

  273. blank


    Pros Simple to set up Smooth movementGood weightTop quality productTop performance

  274. blank


    It was my fav gaming wireless mouse when it worked. Lasted around 89 months, just stopped working one day. I love tech so i do take care of it. I also love logitech keyboards and mice and have quite a collection for myself but I wouldnt recommend anyone wasting money on this one. The only reason why i bought this was cause of logitech reliability on their sub 3050 mice. Wanted a wireless 1k poll rate macro mouse as i was getting tired of wire this wire that, i want full wireless everything. Mouse does feel nice in hand and never had i had any fatigue with long game times of 1014h sessions. Mouse is a bit on the lite side, The scroll wheel was amazing, i always used it. The multiple comfy macro positioned buttons were super quick with the lowest activation travel i ever seen. I would use it again if i received a new one for free otherwise i dont wanna spend 100tax and maybe shipping a year mouse. Currently using logitech g405 wired, have mad cats rat 6 and logitech g600 mmo, but i do use g405 as my only one atm the rest are packed up

  275. blank


    Received this item new in retail box. Works very well as a wireless or wired unit. Easy to install and setup the Logitech software. Seems to glide smoother and faster than my old Razor mouse.

  276. blank


    In short the BEST wireless gaming mouse out there. Just the right size and weight. Side buttons can be customized for left or right hand use. The response is quick and dpi can be changed on the fly. Plus with the USB charging cable it can be used a a wired mouse. I get about a week of serious gaming time out of it before needing to recharge and about 3 weeks of just normal use.

  277. blank


    The only complaint I have is when I do long swiping left or right the mouse wheel will go up or down, but I just disabled my moise wheel ingame so its still good

  278. blank


    please take note I purchased this item instoreThis may just be the best mouse I have laid my hands on over the course of my 10 years in the gaming industry.As of right now, there has not been a single mouse that has balanced speed, accuracy, weight, and performance as perfectly as the G903 Chaos Spectrum, and I honestly dont think there ever will be. Between the easytouse softwareplus the replaceable buttons allowing for total gaming freedom, and the lightweight, powerful design perfect for toting around, this mouse is perfect for anything you have to throw at it. Whether it be for office or gaming or anything in between, this mouse is sure to be the last one youll ever buytake it from a gamer

  279. blank


    Very good brand

  280. blank


    It is very uncomfortable for me to use after only an hour my right hand starts to ach really badly. Its funny bc i have heard nothing but great things so gave it a shot . i did add some paddding to the right side of the palm bc it hurts realy bad to play with long

  281. blank


    Its an amazing mouse I love it replaces my Logitech g602 nicely

  282. blank


    Anotrher excellent product by Logitech

  283. blank

    Michael J.

    I came from the Logitech Performance MX mouse which had an inherent middle click failure. Logitech warranty did replace 2 of them over 3 years however they dont seem to address issues with their products after release. I unfortunately have to recommend something else at this time.

  284. blank


    This was my first proper gaming mouse. At first I thought there would be no point in using a gaming mouse, but now that I have tried it I realise that it is so much easier to use and I cant stand to use my old mouse anymore

  285. blank


    By far the best mouse I have had, really comfortable, great for gaming.

  286. blank


    This is a nice cells with high power and capacity, I did 3 weddings without recharge. Iam very happy.

  287. blank


    This is the best and 1st gaming mouse I have in my life.It has software to download to setup the lights control, speed level and more detailed setup. available for both Mac and Win.I like the lights that cycling automatically with different color.There are 5 levels of speed you can adjust and you can setup each level with different exact dpi on the software you downloaded on PC.Also, it has few profiles to store your personal setup in the PC software you downloaded It measn that you can have different groups of setups as u like or different users can use the same mouse without worrying about adjusting all the detailed setups everytime.

  288. blank


    Not really a hardcore gamer anymore so this thing is overkill, but straight away you can really see how precise and smooth this mouse is, and its far from its highest resolution . Well worth every cent I spent.

  289. blank


    Bought it for 2 months. Nothing to say about it. Too good for the price on sale.

  290. blank


    This mouse performs as well or better than any wired mouse ive used. Absolutely top notch.

  291. blank

    Jose T.

    I came from a tt esports theron mouse and this I can say is a definite upgrade.

  292. blank


    It was my fav gaming wireless mouse when it worked. Lasted around 89 months, just stopped working one day. I love tech so i do take care of it. I also love logitech keyboards and mice and have quite a collection for myself but I wouldnt recommend anyone wasting money on this one. The only reason why i bought this was cause of logitech reliability on their sub 3050 mice. Wanted a wireless 1k poll rate macro mouse as i was getting tired of wire this wire that, i want full wireless everything. Mouse does feel nice in hand and never had i had any fatigue with long game times of 1014h sessions. Mouse is a bit on the lite side, The scroll wheel was amazing, i always used it. The multiple comfy macro positioned buttons were super quick with the lowest activation travel i ever seen. I would use it again if i received a new one for free otherwise i dont wanna spend 100tax and maybe shipping a year mouse. Currently using logitech g405 wired, have mad cats rat 6 and logitech g600 mmo, but i do use g405 as my only one atm the rest are packed up

  293. blank


    the best one I have used

  294. blank


    Great product works like it should and no laggingdelay when gaming like other wireless devices. I like it

  295. blank


    The Mouse performs perfectly, but the main thing I notice is how this mouse seems to float when you move it. Going back to another mouse seems so heavy now because of how smooth the movement is between the mouse and the pad. The only real downside here is the limited battery but you can switch from wireless to wired in a few seconds.

  296. blank


    Pros Im not a gamer, I bought this mouse for use with other software, it can be set to do particular repetative tasks, that way instead of clicking on numerous buttons in a piece of software, you push one on the mouse.Cons The only negative is that I found personally, is that buttons cant be set for some key combinations

  297. blank


    Pros The mouse works smoothly and isnt slow or unresponsive. the design is very good and is good value for money.

  298. blank


    By far the best mouse I have had, really comfortable, great for gaming.

  299. blank


    all works

  300. blank


    Comparing it to the G700. The G900 is much lighter. Has a much better sensor. Has pretty lights. Due to its ambidextrous design, there are no ergonomics applied to either righthanded or lefthanded use. Its just a flat, small mouse. As such, it is not comfortable for long, allday periods of gamingbrowsing. It is only suitable for short periods of gaming, however. And unlike the G700 that has swappable batteries so you can stay wireless at all times, if you forget to plug in your G900, youre stuck being tied down to a wire until its fully charged again. Which defeats the purpose of it being wireless. Which also doesnt justify the higher cost of it being wireless compared to other Logitech mice in their lineup. The battery does last the advertised 32hours. But with battery degradation over time, and nonreplaceable batteries, the mouse will cease to be a decent wireless mouse in a few years. Bad design, not ergonomic, bad battery decision, high price for what you get. I dont recommend this mouse unless youre a very casual gamer that will only use it for short periods of gaming, and want it wired for the most part.

  301. blank


    Lives up to reviews in terms of quality and build. Exceeds expectations for responsiveness. I am moderate gamer who plays 1st person shooters, moba, mmorpg who uses a claw grip and I am very pleased with the feel, design, responsiveness. Lighter than I expected for a cordless, Switching from corded to cordless is seemless and near instantaneous. Battery life is much better than I would have guess from a mouse of such light weight. I upgraded from a dying g500 mouse and the transition was very easy, and maintained many of the features I have grown accustomed to with that older generation mouse.

  302. blank


    Mouse feels real nice and of good quality. Very ergonomic for right and left handed users. I totally recommend

  303. blank


    I loved the feeling and everything that has to do with this product except one thing. The guy i bought this from messed up the charging cable Maybe it was like that when he bought it so whenever it has to charge, it has to be in a spesific angle for it to do so. But i am however satisfied as hell by this gaming mouse It has a great feeling to it when i game

  304. blank

    Vernie F.

    Its at a pretty premium price point, but I dont regret a penny of my purchase. The G9X was legendary, but this is a worthy successor.

  305. blank


    Hardware and features, it does everything it promises No question The problems is that it is NOT comfortable It is an ambidextrous design equally uncomfortable for either hand The lack of a thumb groove is sorely missed. The low profile means you have to grip it claw style with just your pinky and thumb….your palm wont ever touch this mouse. Finally, while it can be equipped with 2 buttons on right 2 buttons on left, you can only ever use 1 set. IF you try to equip both sides with buttons, your grips pinky side will accidently click its side buttons. So thats 2 buttons that you cant ever use In the end, I give this mouse a 1 Why sacrifice comfort, when you can just buy a MUCH cheaper G500S or G502 mouse If you are left handed, your options are more limited this mouse is okay

  306. blank

    Kurt K.

    Coming from a G602, I loved the way my hand fit on that mouse, however i was starting to notice some wireless issues at times and decided to see what the best of the best mouse was at this time. The G900 was it. It is a wonderful mouse, just for me it doesnt fit my hand correctly and Im used to the side buttons being a little further back. I loved the sensor in this mouse so much that I returned it and ate the restocking fee and went to best buy and picked up the G502, which uses the same sensor but is wired, and costs about 100 less. The G502 fits my hand like a dream and I get the same great sensor as in the G900. Logitech makes great mice. I was trying out the other Razer mice in the store and they fit and felt terrible, and the clicks were soooo long. Buy the G900 if it fits your hand nicely and your grip style and you can afford it, its a truly wonderful wireless mouse just not for me. I also highly recommend the G502 if you need something cheaper, same 3366 sensor, dont mind wires, and are right handed.

  307. blank


    Pros Grate mouse, responsive and good software as well.Cons Is a little expensive but it is worth the money.

  308. blank

    John K

    this mouse is one of the top choices for gaming , extra side buttons , great censor , lag free wireless it is definitely expensive but it deserves its spot , also it is ambidextrous suitable for both left handed and right handed users which may or may not be a plus depending on your prefrence , it isnt a big mouse tho and it is pretty light weigh i like it being lightweight actually but some people like heavy mice

  309. blank


    Pros Design Features LogitechCons Its bit pricey but I have been using logitech since I rember and they never let me down so its worth every penny for me.

  310. blank


    The title says it all. If you are serious about owning the best, the get this mouse and shut up. Girls will like you for it.

  311. blank

    Brandon R.

    Im a gamer and Ive struggled to find a mouse thats versatile enough and comfortable enough for heavy gaming. I currently have three of these in my house two gaming, one for work. Love it

  312. blank


    full DPI control fast charging .

  313. blank


    I was looking for a gaming mouse for a long time and this one finally has everything I was looking for wireless, gamingoriented, topnotch scroll wheel, long battery life, charged with cable, and great looks yet understated design. Its very light too, but feels extremely premium. The Logitech software has all kinds of features you should check out in in depth reviews. The only problem with this mouse is the price. I should point out there arent many buttons and using four buttons is not as comfortable in this mouse as using two, since the extra two go on the side where you hold the mouse. This is probably best suited to FPS games rather than MMO unless youre cool with fewer buttons.

  314. blank


    Pros very responsive zero glitchinginterference good functionality attractive design awesome ergonomy wireless orand cable connectionCons a bit pricey

  315. blank


    all works

  316. blank


    Really awesome item , expensive but you get what you pay for, cool gig

  317. blank


    Could not be more happier with this choice. retired the G502 to the wife. cordless,fast and ripping it

  318. blank


    Pros Best mouse ever and I have all the big brands.

  319. blank


    I upgraded from an older Logitech corded gaming mouse. This g900 is like pushing an ice cube on a glass surface compared to the old one that was like pushing a block of wood on cement. Battery life is excellent and lots of customization options in the software.

  320. blank


    Pros Light, accurate and long lasting battery.Cons Design isnt as ergonomic as it could be. But that may be down to it being for both left and right handers.

  321. blank


    As always, Logitech releases a gaming peripheral and delivers an amazing product. Very hard to find a flaw with this mouse and is definitely worth the asking price. Was a very worthwhile upgrade from the G502 that I got a couple of years ago.

  322. blank


    I was very disappointed with this mouse. Should have never been made ambidextrous.

  323. blank


    this mouse is too acryate and too light for a wireless mouse. i became too good at csgo so now i play mine sweeper. might go back to cs because i got a offer from c9 to play for them. all and all the m ouse was too good and would not recommend add me on steam n1tsuJ

  324. blank


    Have used the following in the past, and many others Razer DeathAdder Steelseries Rival MS 3.0 Logitech G5G500 Can safely say that besides my all time favourite MS 3.0 mouse rose tinted anyone, the G900 is the most superior mouse in my opinion for comfort, performance and just overall everything. Never had an issue with the wireless function, and have never used it wired due to this. Responds quicker than my DeathAdder 3.5G and thanks to the Logitech software, can be customised a lot better. Being a long time counter striker 10 years, having a precise mouse is important, and this has never failed me where others have. If youre looking for a mouse, definitely look into this or whatever successor we may soon see coming. A would use for headshots again.

  325. blank

    Jarrus Chuck

    This mouse has pretty much no difference from the G903 except for the fact that it doesnt have magnetic changeable buttons and cant be paired with Logitech Powerplay charging mousepad. It feels sorta weird because it is made for both your right and left hand but honestly its kinda weird to have side buttons by your pinky. I would rather get the G502 because its more comfortable and has the same number of buttons as this mouse but its wired and is only made for your right hand. PROS RBG Lighting Good feeling click Wireless Lots of buttons Made for both your left and right hand CONS Weird feel Weird placement of side buttons if you ask me

  326. blank


    Logitech G900 CHAOS SPECTRUM is WIREDWIRELESS GAMING MOUSE and top of the line when it comes to gaming and the first Wierless mouse with no latency att all. It is even better than some of the top Wired mouses out there.

  327. blank


    Mechanical switches for great click, good design for palmhybrid grip, many buttons and great sensor

  328. blank

    Abe T.

    I owned a lots of gaming mise over the years from major brands , most of them are from Logitech, it starts from the early Mx 300, to G9x,G500,g500s, to G502, G303,and others like deathadder Chroma, Rival, ect. I like this one the most. I have been playingCS, CSGo for long long time. this one have the best balance of shape, performance, weight and mouse clicks. You may need sometime at first if you are from something else than logitech, some may even hate the feel of it at first, but you will get used to it, i would say 2,3 weeks, and then you will love it. performance wise, i feel no difference between wired or wireless. hope this helps

  329. blank


    I love this mouse so far and the battery for this mouse is excellent

  330. blank


    While the technical specs. have be impressive, the ergonomics of this device is bottom of the barrel. Caveat emptor if you have larger hands.

  331. blank


    not very well

  332. blank


    The mouse has a great feel to it. It is very customizable with its included buttons. The software was great. Although the packaging was torm when it arrived the box of the mouse but the mouse itself was intact The battery life is really impressive. It stays true to its advertised 2532 hrs depends on your chosen lightings Overall a great mouse. It may come with a hefty price but it was worth every penny 1010

  333. blank


    Worth it

  334. blank


    it doesnt change color it just stays blue and you cant get the one that does change color from Best buy you have to order it from the company that sells it that works with them b.s. Other than that this mouse feels and performs godly you wont regret buying it.

  335. blank


    Its good

  336. blank

    Timothy T.

    Im extremely computer literate and I use computers for advanced text editing while computer programming. I also play PC games Ive never used a better mouse than this Its got widely shaped L and R buttons so you can do a proper 3 finger grip with L Mwheel R without bringing your fingers too close together. You also have buttons on both sides for thumb and pinky. When I twitch game, I use pinky and thumb for stabilizing control when moving the mouse most of the time. So its nice to still have the other 3 fingers comfortably on the L Mwheel R while having a strong grip. When it comes to advanced text editing the fast scroll wheel is something that I love on Logitech mice, and honestly dont want to lose if I dont have to. Its nice in web browsers as well DPI shift is also nice to have for accurate text selection. I actually use DPI shift more for work scenarios than I do while in games. Its interesting, because some games are starting to shift the sensitivity when you scope in for accurate aiming anyway and I dont know a good scenario in games where shifting sensitivity is useful beyond that All in all, this mouse is now my laptop and pc mouse and I suspect that even if something better shows up, it can only really top this by 5 or maybe offer a niche feature that is a must have for unique scenarios. Perhaps Niche MMO, MOBA, FPS, RTS, or alternative ergonomic shaped versions of this mouse is really all you can do to improve things When it comes to games it passes with flying colors in both CSGO Overwatch Beta. Ive used it with Microsoft Visual Studio and its very accurate for character text specific selection There are still PC games where a game pad is better such as 3rd person games like Dragons Dogma, Witcher 3 , Dark Souls 3, or Fighting Games. Xbox Elite Controller is killer for these games Honestly Top down RTSMOBA and FPS games are great with this mouse Otherwise gamepads for games like Witcher and Dark Souls. I did prefer mouse camera controls for Dragon Age 3, so ever so often mouse controls when implemented well should be better with this mouse

  337. blank

    Bethany G.

    I see a lot of people rate the mouse low simply because they prefer the feel of a different brand or model. That had nothing to do with this mouse but rather that is your hand. Hardware wise this is the best mouse out there. If your hand doesnt like it then that is your issue If you like a heavy mouse…this one is light dont blame the mouse.

  338. blank


    Excellent mouse but its a bit too expensive for a mouse.

  339. blank


    Great product, good battery life and very customization ambidextrous mouse where you can switch the side buttons. Very accurate tracking and sensor overall.

  340. blank


    Bought it from here originally, first one failed, scroll wheel broke, but mighty ape came to the party and replaced it pretty fast. New mouse going great guns since.

  341. blank


    Pros Ambidextrous Very light Lots of useful and novel featuresCons Expensive

  342. blank


    Its easy to see why this mouse is do highly rated. Im a finicky person, and love how this mouse performs. Its clearly built with excellence in mind.

  343. blank

    Matthew A.

    Im not knocking eggs for this, but I do wish they would make a right or left handed mouse rather than the ambidextrous design. I think I would like this even more with a proper right handed grip.

  344. blank


    Low latency wireless mouse, nice size and weight.

  345. blank


    Does what it says it does, but could benefit from weights, as its slightly too light Otherwise great mouse.

  346. blank


    Really enjoying the new mouse. Perfect tracking, long battery life for an internal battery, and fast recharge time.The mouse is light. The micro USB cable has two horns on the end that more firmly attach it to the mouse than a standard cable would. I havent played much with the interchangeable buttons, but its nice to know theyre there if I ever need more buttons.The Logitech gaming software is very useful for this mouse. You can change the preset DPI settings from anywhere as low as 400 all the way up to 10,000. The mouse has buttons in the top middle that let you quickly change between presets. The software also allows you to control the LED color settings. It can change between solid colors or multicolor effects.The only thing that is a downside for me is that the mouse shape is slightly uncomfortable. Im accustomed to using smaller mice or mice that are shaped explicitly for righthanded people. This is NOT a failure of the mouse though. This is just a personal preference issue for me.

  347. blank


    great connection great battery life nice design feel comfortable all the function that you need

  348. blank

    Greg S.

    Havent played with all the settings yet, but was able to link my logitech keyboard with this mouse profile settings without issue. windows 10.

  349. blank


    Wonderful mouse, great feel in hand and balanced really nicely for me.

  350. blank


    Ive never used any Logitech game sets before, this is my first Logitech gaming mouse and it is fantastic. Ive never thought a wireless mouse could be smooth like that If you are still considering this one or a Razer one, dont hesitate anymore, get this one, you will never regret.

  351. blank


    Pros Accurate, beautiful design, highly customisable.Cons Light with no weights, lack of buttons.

  352. blank


    Best mouse Ive ever had

  353. blank


    I tried multiple mice before settling for this one. Its one of the most expensive mice out there. Its a jack of all trades, master of none. Ambidextrous, which means its okay for both hands but just okay. It works with all kinds of grip, but again, just doesnt get it perfectly right with any one grip. It takes a while getting used to because its not the most comfortable and the surface is too slippery, but after a while your hand automatically adjusts. The buttons dont have enough resistance and I always end up clicking things by accident, but never to the point of creating chaos, just little oppsies . Thats the bad, now the good part is that this mouse is highly customizable, and all the magic happens in the software. If you are someone who doesnt play around with customization, this mouse is not worth the money spent. You really must spend time to get the button layout just the way you want. Every program can have a different setting. I love that not just for gamingmainly play overwatch, destiny 2, warframe, but mostly for productivity. In fact, I bought this mouse mainly to use as a work mouse. The best overall mouse I have ever owned. Only thing to make it better would be to make it work with multiple computers like the mx series Id pay double for that functionality in this mouse.

  354. blank


    After testing it for more a week, I can gladly say I dont regret the purchase.Its now my favorite mouse for work and play.

  355. blank


    all right

  356. blank


    Lightweight with great features, a little overpriced but considering that I use this mouse on average about 4 6 hours a day it is still worth it.

  357. blank


    This mouse is awesome, she is very light and the precision is awesome, i recommand this if you have the budget

  358. blank


    Pros Super amazing performance. Wireless option let you use mouse on next level. Battery with RGB holds 3 days. Amazing button customization, ambidextrious. Super light.Cons Scroll button sound. Material used are only 9 of 10 must find any con, because only real negative side for this mouse will be price, nothing more

  359. blank

    david s.

    While this is undeniably a great mouse I would only recommend it at the 149 price point if you really need a wireless mouse or just have money to blow on a cool toy.

  360. blank

    Brian J.

    If you are having trouble gripping the softtouch plastic on the mouse, applying a strip of glossy scotch tape to either side will help.

  361. blank


    This mouse is so responsive it beats actual wired mice, which is insane. Trust me it is the best wireless mouse known to man.

  362. blank


    Very ergonomic, good on touch and response. One can really appreciate this mouse on a high refresh rate monitor.

  363. blank

    Amaya S.

    If you are serious about competitive gaming, this is the mouse for you.

  364. blank


    This mouse is really a good mouse as far as pointing devices go. The customisation available, being able to cover or uncover either or both the sets of side buttons is fantastic. The software that comes with it is a mess. Its weird to use. Of course the functionality is all there, but its just not easy to find what youre looking for. One thing I wanted to do is stop the mouse from glowing all the time. Its distracting. Logitechs software has the ability to disable the glowing lights hey, thats great When I disable the lights, the thing will eventually start glowing again for no reason. I open the software to see if the setting has changed, and the mouse stops glowing again… What Okay, so the main problem I have is that the software implementation is terrible. The mouse itself is really quite good.

  365. blank


    The Logitech G900 is amazing. Accuracyresponse time in games is awesome. It has a very comfortable feel in my hand and moves with ease. I love the modular design and rgb lighting. Programming the mouse seems pretty straight forward but, programming macros for games not on the software is a bit confusing. Otherwise the mouse works great.

  366. blank


    Alles top. 1110

  367. blank


    I grew up avoiding wireless mice for gaming due to response time and battery usage. With the advancements in tech these are no longer issues. The response time is perfect if its slower than wired then its not noticeable and it charges incredibly quickly even when youre still using it while charging. I dont often play at a desk so being wireless was a convenience I had to start to consider and Im glad I did.

  368. blank


    work great

  369. blank


    Great for games, excellent value, easy set up and controls.

  370. blank


    This is quite a mouse, great precision and excellent feeling The normal price is a bit steep but if you really want to step up your precision not only on games but in general, this is your mouse

  371. blank


    Pros You honestly cannot tell this is wireless for ANY purposes have used many topend wired gaming mice. Made by logitech, so the sensor and shape and materials are very good. Software for customisation is excellent too. Ambidextrous and removable buttons.Cons It is very expensive. Its not exorbitantly expensive considering good gaming mice are usually 50 up, but Im not sure its worth buying for most people. Slightly long shape. Magnetic side buttons potentially fly off if mouse is thrown but its magnetic, no permanent damage.

  372. blank


    This was a Christmas Gift to my grandson…he says its wonderful.

  373. blank

    Brent E.

    Poor value, I would never buy a refurb of this company again. I didnt realize at the time their warranty is only 30 days funny how the battery problems didnt really show for about 45 days.

  374. blank


    I bought it as my gaming mouse but ended up using it as my work mouse and boy i was glad to do that. I am writing the review after almost six months of use. The speed and control is amazing. Two things which can be improved are 1. There can be an option added to control the resistance of the scroll wheel. 2. Rubber padding on the sides would be a great plus to add better grip. Sometimes when its cold and really dry it feels slippery. Definitely recommend it.

  375. blank


    Just received the mouse today. Its awesome, comfortable, and well weighted. It has a nice matt feel and well worth the money. Im glad I shopped around and got it for 175. Some retailers I went into sold it for 250. I tuned it on my white gloss desk and it actually works unlike my old mouse, although it does still skip and jump a little. Custom dpi function is great I can set it perfectly to the speed I want. Update.. after some more use I found I had the same problem as countless others, right click is faulty. It works clicking in the center but not along the edge .. see how I do with the replacement wont be till the new year. will update then. UPDATE. all is good with the replacement

  376. blank

    samuel m.

    Aside of its inconvenient capacitor discharging issue, the MX 700s is a much better, useful, and inexpensive item. I have two and will use them rather than the Chaos inducing mouse.

  377. blank


    the quality is amazing love the mouse. it came sealed.

  378. blank


    Pros none brill

  379. blank

    Suzan Y

    The best mouse I ever had so farGood for working, good for playingSaves you lot of time with all shortcuts available Nice, abstract design, battery is no issue and…worth the price So, dont linger, get one

  380. blank



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  382. blank

    Miguel V

    Pros No wireless lag whatsoever Light A proven flawless sensor Looks Cons Shape top of the mouse is flat might be uncomfortable for those that palm grip Very expensive, purchase when it goes on sale. A step in the right direction for wireless technology. Well done, logitech

  383. blank


    Pros Exceptional performance and great design. Very versatile and high quality product.Cons Non aside from high cost point.

  384. blank


    great mouse for the avid gamer, no lags wonderful for pro users

  385. blank


    This mouse manages to do everything exceedingly well, so it should please almost everyone. The shape is pretty safe, its ambidextrous, and has just enough buttons, plus built in memory and selectable profiles. Once you set up the mouse to your liking you can uninstall the software and use it on any PC. Its nice and light, and the battery life is amazing. All the buttons click nicely with great positive feel. If I had to fault it the plastic on the front bottom edge of the mouse is sharp and catches on the stitching of my mouse mat. Otherwise a near perfect mouse.

  386. blank


    I was hesitant to spend so much on a mouse, but it is definitely worth it. It moves effortlessly, is comfortable, the buttons are all well placed and it looks great. The customizeability of it through the software is amazing. Fine tune dpi, lights and buttons. Best mouse I have ever owned by far.

  387. blank

    Robert T.

    Thanks to newegg and Fedex got mouse one day early awesome job folks.

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